international relations_1


gcse history-international relations mindmap
Daniel Mosey
Mind Map by Daniel Mosey, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by annawoolard90 over 9 years ago
Daniel Mosey
Copied by Daniel Mosey over 9 years ago
Daniel Mosey
Copied by Daniel Mosey over 9 years ago

Resource summary

international relations_1
  1. The grand alliance 1941
    1. before the cold war America + USSR worked together as members of the grand alliance
      1. consisted of communists and capitalists only working together to defeat the nazis
        1. once Hitler had been defeated the alliance became uneasy
          1. Between 1943 and 1945 three meeting held to try and solve tensions
            1. Teheran
              1. Churchill.Stalin and Roosevelt met here on the 28th of November to the 1st of December 1943-reached some definite agreements and some without outlining detail
                1. Stalin annoyed at Britain and the USA for taking so long to open a second front during WW2-saying they were delaying it at the cost of Russian soldiers lifes
                  1. The USSR would declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated
                    1. Roosevelt supported the idea of a second front and was agreed to start in June 1944
                      1. Poland should be given more land from Germany but loose some to the USSR
                        1. Roosevelt often sided with Stalin-Split the alliance up futher
                        2. Yalta
                          1. 4th-11th of febuary 1945
                            1. Germany would be reduced in size,demilitarised and would have to pay reperations (materials,goods and labour) when defeated
                              1. Plans would begin for how Germany was to be divided after the war
                                1. The nazi party would be banned and war criminals tried in front of an international court
                                  1. A United Nations (UN) would be set up to replace the league of nations-meet for the first time on the 25th of April 1945
                                    1. Poland should be in the Soviet sphere of influence
                                      1. USSR declare war on Japan three months after the defeat of Germany
                                        1. Conference largely a success-Roosevelt worked well with Churchill,Roosevelt and Stalins understanding established at Teheran
                                        2. Potsdam
                                          1. July and August 1945-Churchill,Stalin and Truman
                                            1. More tension-Truman briefed about previous meetings but had no realtionship with Stalin
                                              1. Result of hte British election came during the conference-new labour prime minister Attlee replaced churchill
                                                1. Personal trust and understanding built up in conferences was lost
                                                  1. Truman delayed first meeting until new atomic bomb had been tested-Stalin not told about bomb-increased his suspicion of his allies
                                                    1. Germany been defeated- 'big three' not united by a common enemy
                                                      1. Agreements
                                                        1. Set up a council of foreign ministers to organise the rebuilding of europe
                                                          1. Ban the nazi party and prosecute surviving nazis as war criminals in a special allie run court at Nuremburg
                                                            1. Reduce the size of Germany
                                                              1. Divide Germany into four zones-split between the USA, Britain, USSR and france
                                                                1. Divide Berlin into four
                                                                  1. Give the USSR a 1/4 of the industrial equipment from other three zones-least developed zone and had to supply other zones with industrial equipment
                                                                    1. Disagreements on bigger issues-Reperations
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