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Italy 1896 - 1914
Mind Map on Italy 1896 - 1914, created by vedabradley on 03/05/2015.
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almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
Italy 1896 - 1914
italy was poor and economically underdeveloped
agricultural labourers earned under 50p a week
income per head was under £8 a year
Compared with £31 in Britain
Industrial Developement
limited due to lack of raw resources
The Catholic Church
after unification the church had significantly less political influence
The Pope locked himself away in the Vatican City in prtest
The next pope (Benedict) allowed Catholics to participate in national elections in 1919
No pope acknowledged the kingdom of Italy until 1929
liberal governments were constantly locked in conflict with the powerful church over political disagreements
source of instability until the fascists came to power
Pope HAD BEEN the ruler of the Papal states (covered much of central Italy)
most of this land was taken from him (left with Vatican City)
Liberalism was a sin
allowed religious freedom
Catholics could not vote in national elections
didn't like the socialists
disregarded religion
pope allowed Catholics to vote AGAINST socialism to prevent an uprising
The Monarchy
NOT CONSTITUTIONAL - King could rule by decree
Head of the army
played a role in foreign policy
selected the PM
approved appointments of government ministers
parliament had to approve the taxes for the army and government
Kings character limited his power
(1896) King Umberto
not intelligent, strong, or popular
rarely in government
The King in power following unification was from Piedmont
The Army
during peacetime compromised of 215,00 soldiers
just a third of all available men
trained for three years following 18th birthday
taught a sense of national identity
most of the 15,000 officers were from Piedmont to keep the army loyal to the monarchy
1896, no strong political parties
groups of politicians would do deals amongst themselves
they tried to win enough support from deputies to form a government
this might mean winning over former opponents
they would offer certain jobs, favours, or other services to win over constituencies
"corrupt and ineffective"
politics was all about deals
Crispi (politician, 1890's) - "utter pandemonium"
increased the sense of alienation from the South
governments appointed "prefects" would ensure that government-supported candidates won elections
bribery was widespread
discredited the Liberal system
gulf between "legal Italy" and "real Italy"
copied the British parliamentary system after seeing how well it worked for them
the vote was only given to the wealthy + educated elites
did not represent the masses
the initial plan was to spread the wealth and education across Italy
the government had to focus on balancing the budget + building up Italy's military
many knew little of what went on outside their villages
agriculture was the biggest employer
60% of the population worked in agriculture
compared with 10% in Britain
unification challenged the old class structure
aristocracy had to share power with the new middle class elites
intention to build new networks of independant and wealthy peasant farmers never realised
feudal laws were abolished
lawyers and local governments benefited
The North/South Divide
industrially developed+ wealthy north
the north held the political power and wealth
7387 noble families
considerably more than Britain
Sicily alone had 208 princes
nobility did not = wealth
some relied on income from jobs such as army officers
(not very well paid)
some owned large estates
after unification there were over 200,000 landowners and businessmen
nobility had to share power with them
doctors and lawyers were landowners
dominated local government
poor and agricultural south
didn't feel connected to the new italy
malaria killed 15,000 anually
water was often infected
poor diet
mostly polenta
couldn't afford luxury foods - tomatoes and cheese
living conditions
large families = 1 - 2 bedroom house
shared with animals
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