Physics Forces and their Effects


Mind Map by clongworth25, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by clongworth25 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Physics Forces and their Effects
  1. Resultant Forces
    1. A stationary object remains stationary if the sum of the forces acting upon it - Resultant Force - is Zero
      1. If the resultant force is not zero the object will start to accelerate, in the same direction as the force
        1. The acceleration depends on the force applied, and the mass of the object
        2. An object may have several different forces acting upon it, which can have different strengths and directions.
          1. When all the forces are balanced, the resultant force is zero. in this case: a stationary object remains stationary and a moving object keeps on moving at the same speed in the same direction
          2. Force Mass and Acceleration (F = M x A)
            1. Objects accelerate when the resultant force is not zero and their are factors including mass and speed which affect variables
              1. An object will accelerate in the direction of the resultant force. The bigger the force, the greater the acceleration. Doubling the size of the force, doubles the acceleration
                1. An object will accelerate in the direction of the resultant force. a force on a large mass will accelerate it less than the same force on a smaller mass. Doubling the mass halves the acceleration
                2. Forces and Motion
                  1. The gradient of a distance time graph represents the speed of an object
                    1. The velocity of an object is its speed in a particular direction. The slope on a velocity time graph represents the acceleration of an object
                      1. When an object moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration, you can calculate its acceleration if you know how much its velocity changes and how long this takes
                      2. Forces and Breaking
                        1. The stopping distance of a car depends on two factors: - Thinking distance and breaking distance. Under normal driving conditions, the thinking and breaking distance depend on the speed of the car.
                          1. When a vehicle travels at a steady speed the driving force from the engine is balances by the air resistance and other resistive forces. The resultant force is zero.
                            1. It takes time for a driver to react to a situation and start to apply the breaks. The car carries on moving during this reaction time.
                              1. The thinking distance is the distance travelled in the reaction time, The thinking distance increases if the reaction time increases. This can happen if the driver is: Tired, Distracted, Under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
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