Amoral Duke who is
willingly telling an envoy
about how he murdered
his previous wife
creates an unnerving feeling within
the reader as you realise the duke is
not as he originally appeared to be
and is living without consequences
as he is so powerful
Structure reflects the content
dramatic monologue
ten syllables per line
heroic couplets
iambic pentameter
enjambment = read aloud as free verse
contrasts against controlled structure
all features reflect
Duke, first impression of
him is charming and
harmless but you realise
he's a megalomaniac
"That's my last Duchess
painted on the wall,
looking as if she were
"last" tells the reader that there
were more before her and assumes
that there will be more after her
creates an unloving tone, realise
what he's not saying / not what he
is saying
expect Duke to show some grief over the death of his wife
"As if she were alive"
immediately tells the
reader that she is dead
"Fra Pandolf's hand's
worked busily a day
and there she stands"
The Duke mentions
Fra Pandolfs name
several times / he's
more interested in
boasting about who
painted the portrait
than who it is of
Creates believable persona
"-How shall I
"-I know
not how-"
"Even had you the skill in
speech (which I have not)"
She thanked men -
creates verisimilitude by mimicking natural speech
False modesty - the Duke wants to appear humble
repeats words - creates the feeling of a real person speaking
adds to the
horror of
poem as you
feel as though
you are
listening into a
you shouldn't
use of anacoluthon reflects rhythm of speech
" 'Twas not her husbands presence
only that called that spot of joy
At first I thought this
could be construed as
jealousy but the Duke
is too conceited for
"Spot of joy" =
Ducke says that Fra Pandolf might have complimented her
or told her to show her wrist more
Shows how modest the Duchess was and not vain
"such stuff was courtesy, she thought"
"Stuff" is pejorative shows the Duke
thought that any act of kindness was
"she thought" conveys through a dismissive tone
that he doesn't care about what she thinks at all
"Sir 'twas all one!"
compares sunset to a brooch
assume brooch
was expensive or
an heirloom
The Duchess didn't have a
hierarchy and didn't let her
title corrupt her
describes him, she
acts as a foil
Duke breaks
away from 1st
Duke only interested in
things that money can
buy, materialistic and vain
"As if she ranked my gift
of a nine-hundred year
old name with anybody's
He considers his name as a privilege
irrational way in
which he
believes that his
wives should be
in debt to him
shows he wants his wives to act a certain way
materialistic, proud, self-important
"Since none puts by the
curtain I have drawn for
you, but I
undesirable traits
possessive / no one
gets to view her apart
from him or the people
he choses
drape shows length of possessiveness
Duke has complete authority over Duchess / beauty but voiceless
"If they durst"
people finds him intimidating, he
likes it and sees no fault in
counts daughter is only objective despite the money
only cares about the daughter
Poem ends with
how it began
shows a lack of
remorse for
anything other
than himself
power corrupts
"Notice Neptune though"
taming a
symbolises wealth and power
harsh / evil character
seahorse - past and future Duchess's
delicate and defenceless
vainglorious / aesthete
"Nay, we'll go down together Sir
interpreted two ways:
envoy tries to run off
and warn the Count
much more sinister
and much more
limey, envoy has
signalled for Duke to
go first but out of
politeness the Duke
Duke goes back to first impression
"This grew, I gave
Duke was unyeilding
euphemism - he
ordered someone to
kill her
no conscience, evil person
"I choose never to stoop
haughtiness exposed, arrogant
pride causes him to
think he is above
everyone else