Reservations and sales


Mind Map on Reservations and sales, created by Cristina Hernández on 17/10/2020.
Cristina Hernández
Mind Map by Cristina Hernández, updated more than 1 year ago
Cristina Hernández
Created by Cristina Hernández over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Reservations and sales
  1. Gateways
    1. In order to make travel reservation available directly to the public, special computer programmes are used
    2. Global Distribution Systems
      1. Or CROSS, have begun to carry a wide range of tourism products and service
      2. Computer Reservation Systems
        1. Sales consultants could access information about availability of flights offered by more than one company
        2. Each agency has a procedure for its sales consultants to follow
          1. A fixed booking procedure
            1. Guarantees that key information is correctly recorded
              1. Avoids the need to contact the client later for information not obtained
                1. Avoids problems arising from incorrect information
                2. Cristina Hernández Castillo LGDT105
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