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Genetic Engineering
A-Level Ethics Mind Map on Genetic Engineering, created by Sumahlor on 06/05/2015.
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applied ethics
genetic engineering
genetic modification
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
Genetic Engineering
In the 1970s, scientists learned how to move genetic material from once species to another
Is this just an extension of natural selection, or playing God?
Used to modify food and medicine
Embryo research
Finding cures for illnesses using tissue/cells from embryos
Stem cells can change into other cells - in pre-14 day embryos, they are totipotent
Taken from surplus IVF treatment
Currently only stem cells from adults have been successfully used
Stem cell-grown organs are rejected
Embryo cells are volatile and can become malignant
Embryos are generally used for drug testing
Taking them from embryos destroys them
The law says an embryo may not be experimented on past 14 days
They cannot be cloned or placed in animals
They must be used for infertility treatment, disease treatment, contraception, or to help detect genetic abnormalities
Genetically modified food
Better taste
Better nutrition
Disease/weather resistant/build in pesticides
Greater yield
Preserve soil
Feared that they could
Cause allergies
Increase antibiotic resistance
Reduce disease resistance
Be owned by companies that exploit workers/favour only large producers
Cure, but not prevent, world hunger
'Designer babies'
Embryo screening currently allows you to check for Huntingdon's disease
In some countries eg India, gender may be chosen - most aborted are females
Wrong if life begins at conception, because embryos are discarded
Blastocysts have no individual identity
To create a saviour sibling - eg the Hasmi family
To prevent a miscarriage - eg Philipa Handyside
These cells come from the umbilical cord - no unused embryos
Genetic testing
To see if a gene (eg for cancer) is carried
Should such information be given to employers/insurers?
Done on sections of the population at risk
Can lead to discrimination - eg a group of Ashkenazi Jews in New York were forbidden to intermarry
Gene therapy - replacing or altering genes
Can have harmful side-effects; eg sickle-cell anaemia provides resistance to malaria
Germ line therapy aims to alter sperm/eggs to pass benefits on to offspring - could reach a stage where low intelligence is cause for abortion?
'Three parent babies' - unnatural?
Could be argued that penicillin and aeroplanes aren't natural either1
Applying ethical theories
Destroying embryos is wrong for Christians especially Catholics
Does not appreciate their intrinsic worth
However, shouldn't we use our God-given intelligence?
Puts to use embroys already made by IVF
Augustine's 'privation' argument - embryos with abnormalities are suffering from a lack of full health
Joseph Fletcher: 'humans are makers and designers'
Natural Law
A difficult theory - both destroys and preserves life
It's hard to know the consequences of genetic engineering
Better to save many lives through GE than a few embryos
The costs must be considered
Uses people as a means - not a good thing (although we don't know what Kant thinks about embryos' moral status)
You cannot universalise 'use embryos for research' or no one would ever be born!
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