Curso nivelacion


Mapa mental de lo que se vio en el curso
Uriel Hernandez
Mind Map by Uriel Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Uriel Hernandez
Created by Uriel Hernandez almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Curso nivelacion
  1. Verb to be
    1. Simple present tense
      1. Afirmative form
        1. Subject + verb + objetc
          1. I like the sports
        2. Negative form
          1. Subject + auxiliary + not +verb + object
            1. He is not an office worker
          2. Interrogative form
            1. Auxiliary + subject + verb + object
              1. ¿Do you like ice cream?
          3. Prepocitions of place
            1. There is / There are
              1. Positive
                1. There is a table
                2. Negative
                  1. There isn´t my cellphone
                  2. Questions
                    1. Are there parks in the city?
                  3. Past simple
                    1. Afirmative form
                      1. Subject + verb past + complement
                      2. Negative form
                        1. Subjetc + auxiliary verb (did) + negation + verb (infinitive) + complement
                        2. Interrogative form
                          1. Auxiliary verb (did) + subject + verb (infinitive) + complement + ?
                        3. Possessive adjetive
                          1. I
                            1. You
                              1. He
                                1. She
                                  1. It
                                    1. we
                                      1. You
                                        1. They
                                          1. Their
                                          2. Your
                                          3. Our
                                          4. Its
                                          5. Her
                                          6. His
                                          7. Your
                                          8. My
                                        2. Object pronouns
                                          1. I
                                            1. You
                                              1. He
                                                1. She
                                                  1. It
                                                    1. We
                                                      1. You
                                                        1. They
                                                          1. Them
                                                          2. You
                                                          3. Us
                                                          4. It
                                                          5. Her
                                                          6. Him
                                                          7. You
                                                          8. Me
                                                        2. Question words
                                                          1. Q.word + aux+ subject + verb + comp + ?
                                                            1. Who
                                                              1. Ask about person.
                                                              2. Where
                                                                1. Asking in or at what place or position
                                                                2. When
                                                                  1. Asking about time
                                                                  2. Why
                                                                    1. Asking for reason, explanation
                                                                    2. What
                                                                      1. Asking for specific thing, object
                                                                      2. How
                                                                        1. Ask for way, manner, form
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