Charles I: 1625-42


Brief summary of the events of 1625 - 42, in regards to Charles I's reign.
Mind Map by sassynuggets, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sassynuggets over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Charles I: 1625-42
    1. 1625 - Spanish Match; Charles and Buckingham set out to find and marry the Spanish princess. It is a fruitless mission that results in an aggressive attitude toward Spain
      1. 1625 - Expedition to Cadiz. Disasterous campaign.
      2. 1627 - La Rochelle - campaign to ally French king against Hugenots (French Protestants). Raises suspicions
        1. 1639 - First Bishop's War; Charles had 20,000 poorly trained Englishmen; Leslie had 20,000 Scottish cavalry. No blood was shed.
          1. 1639 - Treaty of Berwick; signed by Charles and the Scottish for peace. Charles needed this time to build an army.
            1. 1640 - Second Bishop's War
              1. 1640 - The Battle of Newburn; Leslie and the Scottish capture and occupy Newcastle from Conway.
                1. October 1640 - The Treaty of Ripon; Scots allowed to their Presbytarianism as opposed to Episcopy.. It stipulated that Northumberland and County Durham were to be ceded to the Scots as an interim measure, that Newcastle was to be left in the hands of the Scots, and that Charles was to pay them £850 a day to maintain their armies there
          2. 1637 - Solemn League and Covenant; in retaliation to the enforced prayer book, the Scottish sign a Covenant (becoming the Covenanters) to defend the Scottish Kirk.
          3. RELIGION
            1. 1633 - William Laud made Archbishop of London
              1. Emergence of Laudinism. New version of Arminianism.
              2. 1637 - Prayer Book enforced in Scotland by Charles. Mostly Presybytarian area
              3. FINANCE
                1. 1630 - Illegal collection of tonnage and poundage; sales of monopolies renewed through loophole.
                  1. 1630 - Commission of Defective Titles; King can freely raise rent of tenants.
                    1. Commission for Knighthoods - men worth £40 had to buy a knighthood, raised £165,000
                      1. 1635 - Ship money extended to all countries
                        1. 1636 - John Hampden refused to pay
                          1. John Hampden - challenged the authority of Charles I, with both the Ship Money of 1636, and the Five Knights Case preluding the First Civil War
                      2. PARLIAMENTS
                        1. 13 April 1640 - Short Parliament; Charles recalled Parliament after his 11 years of Personal Rule on the advice of Wentworth, primarily to gain finance for the Bishop's Wars. Parliament was more interested in addressing royal abuses. Charles closed the Parliament.
                          1. Nov 1640 - Long Parliament
                          2. 1628 - Petition of Right; men to only be imprisoned with reason (went against the Five Knights Case) and repeal on Forced Loan.
                            1. 1629 - The Three Resolutions; The protestation denounced Arminianism and encouraged merchants to refuse to pay tonnage and poundage. Those who paid were branded enemies to the Kingdom and betrayers of the liberties of England
                              1. Jan. 1642 - FIVE KNIGHTS CASE; The King believed that Puritans, (or Dissenters), encouraged by five vociferous Members of the House of Commons, known thereafter as the Five Members – John Pym, John Hampden, Denzil Holles, Arthur Haselrig and William Strode – together with the peer Edward Montagu, Viscount Mandeville (the future Earl of Manchester), had encouraged the Scots to invade England in the recent Bishops' Wars, and that they were intent on turning the London mob against him.
                              2. FAVOURITES
                                1. George Villers -Duke of Buckingham; divided Parliament and Crown
                                  1. Thomas Wentworth - Earl of Strafford; pivotal part in the Irish campaign, and an advisor to the king.
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