94 - People May Care About Time More Than They Care About Money (C&D Lemonade Sign Experiment)


Mind Map on 94 - People May Care About Time More Than They Care About Money (C&D Lemonade Sign Experiment), created by Leandra Smith on 28/10/2020.
Leandra Smith
Mind Map by Leandra Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Leandra Smith
Created by Leandra Smith almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

94 - People May Care About Time More Than They Care About Money (C&D Lemonade Sign Experiment)
  1. "Spend a little time, and enjoy C&D's Lemonade"
    1. 14% of people stopped to buy
      1. Paid more on average for the lemonade ($2.50)
      2. "Spend a little money, and enjoy C&D's Lemonade"
        1. 7% of people stopped to buy
          1. Paid less on average for the lemonade ($1.38)
          2. "Enjoy C&D's Lemonade"
            1. Both values were an average of the other 2 signs
              1. Control group
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