

Unit1: materials for OCR B incomplete
Mind Map by rb.russell1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rb.russell1 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Hooke's Law
    1. tensile force
      1. proportional
        1. extension
          1. if proportional limit not exceeded
          2. F∝x
        2. spring constant
          1. gradient
            1. units: N/m
              1. steep
                1. stiffer
                2. shallow
                  1. stretchier
            2. Young'd Modulus
              1. Stress
                1. F/A
                  1. tensile force
                    1. cross sectional area
                      1. units:N/m^2
                    2. Strain
                      1. x/L
                        1. extension
                          1. original length
                            1. no units
                          2. measure of elasticity
                            1. high
                              1. stiff
                              2. low
                                1. stretchy
                              3. Graph
                                1. up gradient
                                  1. more stiff
                                    1. brittle materials
                                      1. no plastic deformation
                                        1. breaks suddenly
                                  2. for ductile materials
                                    1. elastic region
                                      1. obeys hooke's law up until
                                        1. proportional limit
                                          1. elastic limit
                                            1. no return to original shape
                                      2. yield point
                                        1. tensile strength
                                          1. large amount of plastic deformation
                                            1. with constant/ reduced load
                                        2. platic region
                                          1. necking
                                            1. break point
                                              1. permanent deformation
                                          2. Properties
                                            1. strength
                                              1. stress @ which material fails
                                                1. ductile
                                                  1. premanent stretch
                                                  2. brittle
                                                    1. fracturing
                                                2. ductile
                                                  1. easily
                                                    1. drawn into wire
                                                  2. tough
                                                    1. opposite
                                                      1. brittle
                                                      2. alot of energy
                                                        1. create new surface area
                                                      3. hard
                                                        1. resistant
                                                          1. scratching/cutting/abrasions
                                                        2. stiff
                                                          1. resistant
                                                            1. bending/stretching
                                                          2. malleable
                                                            1. easily shaped
                                                          3. Inside Materials
                                                            1. bonding
                                                              1. polymer
                                                                1. covalent bonds
                                                                  1. strong
                                                                    1. rotate
                                                                      1. flexible
                                                                    2. cross-links
                                                                      1. if stong
                                                                        1. rigid plastic
                                                                    3. covalent
                                                                      1. shared electrons
                                                                        1. strong
                                                                          1. directional
                                                                            1. brittle
                                                                              1. rigid
                                                                        2. ionic
                                                                          1. strong
                                                                            1. directional
                                                                              1. no slipping
                                                                                1. brittle
                                                                                  1. rigid
                                                                          2. metallic
                                                                            1. free electrons
                                                                              1. non-directional
                                                                                1. allows rows to slip
                                                                                  1. ductile
                                                                                    1. tough
                                                                            2. structures
                                                                              1. polycrystalline
                                                                                1. many grains
                                                                                  1. random orientations
                                                                                    1. crystals
                                                                                      1. uniform rows of atoms
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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