
brief physics mind map revision
Mind Map by jacobeloquin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jacobeloquin almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Conduction occurs in all 3 states
      1. melting/evapouration/ condensation are 3 changes of state
        1. evapouration = particles gain energy, rise, become less dense and break free and evapourate into gasses
        2. vacuums and insulators prevent conduction
        3. Convection occurs in liquids and gasses
          1. vacuums and silver surfaces prevent conduction
          2. Radiation doesn't need particles to pass through
            1. silvered surfaces prevent radiation
            2. ENERGY TRANSFER: Energy (joules) = Power (watts) x Time(seconds)
              1. NON-RENEWABLE: nuclear, coal, oil and gas.
                1. RENEWABLE: wind, tidal and wave, hydroelectric, boifuels and geothermal
                  1. NATIONAL GRID: power station -> step up transformer -> power lines -> step down transformer, houses
                    1. carbon capture = storing CO2 in natural containers (sea) to reduce global warming
                    2. ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM
                      1. Transverse = oscillations areperpendicular to direction of energy transfer
                        1. longitudinal = oscillations are parallel
                        2. wave equation: V = F x
                          1. waves can be reflected, refracted and diffracted
                            1. REFLECTION
                              1. incident ray = reflected ray
                            2. humans can hear 20hz - 20,000hz
                              1. the higher the frequency of a wave, the higher the pitch
                              2. RED SHIFT/DOPPLER EFFECT
                                1. red shift = when a light source moves away, the wavelength increases + frequency decreases so red tint is shown
                                  1. doppler = when a sound source moves away or closer the frequency increases or decreases meaning a higher or lower pitch
                                  2. gamma and x-rays can travel through solids and are dangerous if exposed for long periods of time
                                  3. ENERGY EFFICIENCY
                                    1. Efficiency = useful energy out/total energy in X 100
                                      1. energy CANNOT be destroyed only transferred
                                        1. pay back time = total cost/yearly saving gives you the answer in years
                                          1. total cost = No. of kilowatt hours x cost per kilowatt hour
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