The Plan for when you have 80 assignments and you have 4 days till report card.


For struggling students with late work.
Elijah Diaz
Mind Map by Elijah Diaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Elijah Diaz
Created by Elijah Diaz about 4 years ago

Resource summary

The Plan for when you have 80 assignments and you have 4 days till report card.
  1. Ok, how many assignmets do you actually have?
    1. I just checked, only like 3, I probably dont need this
      1. well then get to work dummy.
      2. Eh, only like 8
        1. Are your teachers accepting late work?
          1. Are your teachers accepting late work?
            1. Yes. All of them do.
              1. Whats the work spread?
                1. All in one class
                  1. Mostly in one,but a little in others
                    1. Mostly even.
                      1. Then I say break it up into days. One day, I do this classes assignments, one day, I do these ones. This will work pretty well, just dont put alot of topics you dislike in close proximity as to not burn you out.
                      2. Whats work spread.
                        1. Do you are have stupid
                          1. READ THE OTHER ANSERS DINGO
                    2. Eh, around half do, around half dont
                      1. Prioritize the ones that don't and do the assignments you can with them. Beg them to let you do the ones you cant, and then do the ones you know you can do
                      2. None accept late work. Help me
                        1. Cant help ya there budarino. Do the assignments you can, and BEG for them to accept late work.
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