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C3 (Part 2)
part 2 of 2. Mindmap on aqa C3
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aqa science
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Mind Map by
Lewis Appleton-Jones
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Lewis Appleton-Jones
almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
C3 (Part 2)
Analysis & synthesis
Titration Calculations
Concentration is measured in grams per decimetre cubed (g/dm3), or moled per decimetre cubed (mol,dm3)
If we know the mass or number of moles, in a given volume we can work out concentration
If we know volume of a solution and concentration we can work out the mass or moles
Chemical Analysis
Some just looks at whether it is just in a substance e.g. the ion tests
Others look at how much, e.g. Gas Chromatography and Mass spectometry
equilibrium is when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the backwards reaction
The reaction still continues but the amount of products remains constant
Only occurs in reversible reactions
The amount of reactants and products in a reversible can be changed by shifting the equilibrium
E.G. ICl +Cl2 --> ICl3
When there is plenty of Cl2 gas, more ICl3 is made
When there is less Cl2 gas, more ICl is made
Change in pressure
Change in Temp.
Haber Process
Makes ammonia that can be used as;
Some cleaning fluids
Passed over an iron catalyst, at 200 Atmospheres. and 450 oC
N2 + 3H2 --> 2NH3 <--
The yield is only about 15% as some of the ammonia breaks back down in to N2 and 3H2
To try and limit this (the reverse reaction) the ammonia is cooled so it condenses, it can then be extracted
Optimum Conditions
Pressure - As the product have fewer molecules, a high pressure will give the highest amount of product
However a high pressure means a high cost for equipment so it can withstand the pressure, and energy to compress the gas
200 Atmospheres is a good medium
Temp - the forward reaction is exothermic and so the lower the temp the better
However the rate of reaction decreases as temp. decreases and the iron catalyst becomes ineffective
450 oC is a good inbetween
Organic Chemistry
Functional group = -O-H
Uses of alcohols
The smaller alcohols, Meth., Eth., Prop., react well with water to form neutral solutions
Many organic substances dissolve in them and so they are useful solvents
Ethanol is used in Alcoholic beverages
It reacts with sodium to form Hydrogen gas - it reacts less vigorous than Sodium in water
Alcohols can be oxidises by agents such as Potassium Diochromate - Oxidised Ethanol produces ethanoic acid; this is the main acid in vinegar
Carboxylic acids
Functional group = -COOH
They react with water to produce a solution less that pH 7
They also don't fully ionise in water - this means carboxylic acids are weak acids
Esters are Carboxylic acids reacted with an alcohol, in the presence of an acid catalyst
They have the functional group is -COO-
The H atom from the carboxylic acid is replaced with an alcohol
E.G. --> CH3 COOCH2 CH3 - Ethyl Ethanoate
Some smell nice and are used in fragrences
They can benefit society when ussed appropreately but can be harmful if abused
Biofuels offer an alternative to fossil fuels, but the plants they are grown from take up agriculteral land and so can cause food shortages
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