IRIS Malbork


This is a preliminary wireframes for new IRIS. Please let's discuss.
Jo Kr
Mind Map by Jo Kr, updated more than 1 year ago
Jo Kr
Created by Jo Kr over 9 years ago

Resource summary

IRIS Malbork
      1. CHOOSE TOUR
        1. Season
          1. Monday
            1. Regular
              1. STOP 00: INTRO Automatically launched Intro Stop
                  1. keypad
                    1. has a code ( known to site staf) for coming back to changing tours and languages
                      1. Has same green button link functrionality as menu
                    2. menu
                      1. ?
                          1. HOW TO USE YOUR GUIDE
                            1. AUDIOPLAYER WITH PLAYER INSTRUCTIONS
                          2. Stop 1
                            1. Stop 2
                              1. Stop 3
                              2. AUDIO PLAYER STOP 1
                                1. AUDIO CONTROLS
                                  1. BACK
                                    1. NAV BAR
                                    2. GREEN BUTTON LINK
                                      1. NEXT STOP 2 GREAT HALL
                                        1. PLAY
                                          1. return to menu
                                        2. IMAGE 1
                                    3. THUMB
                                      1. THUMB
                                        1. THUMB
                                    4. BACK
                                      1. AUDIO CONTROLS
                              3. POLISH
                                1. ENGLISH
                                  1. FRENCH
                                    1. GERMAN
                                      1. SPANISH
                                        1. RUSSIAN
                                          1. SIGN LANGUAGE
                                            1. Vertical VIDEO PLAYER follows the line of the tour
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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