Learning as Adaptation


Mind Map by lucyslade1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lucyslade1 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Learning as Adaptation
  1. Devel of Peer Sociability
    1. Yr 1
      1. Smiles & babbles at 6m
        1. Brief reciprocal interactions at 1yr
        2. 1-2
          1. Mutual imitation
            1. Minimal verbal interaction
            2. 2+
              1. Use lang to initiate reciprocal play
                1. Interactions are positive & kids show enjoyment
              2. Role of Solitary play
                1. Some are socially anxious
                  1. Some are less mature in play
                    1. Solitary play is constructive
                      1. Only certain types are cause for concern
                        1. Wandering
                          1. Repetitive
                          2. Declines with age
                            1. Takes a lot of preschoolers time
                              1. Parten (1932)
                            2. Middle Childhood
                              1. School is particularly important
                                1. Role of emotional & social skills
                                  1. Non-organic
                                    1. Psychological cause
                                    2. Organic/Brain damage
                                      1. Evolution
                                        1. Fitness & Natural selection
                                          1. Species respond to changing environmental conditions through change
                                          2. Limits
                                            1. Slow way of coping with change across many generations
                                              1. No uses in helping indivs faced with abrupt change
                                            2. Innate behaviours
                                              1. Fixed action patterns
                                                1. Elicited by condition/stim
                                                  1. Cocoon building in hunting spider
                                                    1. Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1970)
                                                    2. Humans
                                                      1. Eibl-Eibesfeldt (70s & 80s)
                                                        1. Smiling is universal
                                                    3. Modulation of Simple Behavs
                                                      1. Habituation/Dishab
                                                        1. When stim is no longer familiar, dishab
                                                          1. Habituation advantage
                                                            1. Prevents wasted energy/time on non-functional behav
                                                            2. Dishab. advantage
                                                              1. Must be there to serve purpose if needed
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