Oxides, Hydroxides and Ammonia


Mind Map on Oxides, Hydroxides and Ammonia, created by hannah.lou01 on 13/10/2013.
Mind Map by hannah.lou01, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannah.lou01 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Oxides, Hydroxides and Ammonia
  1. Metal Oxides and Metal Hydroxides Are Bases!
    1. Some metal oxides and hydroxides dissolve in water/ These are alkalis
      1. Even bases that won't dissolve in water will react with acids
      2. All metal oxides and metal hydroxides react with ACIDS to form a salt and a water
        1. Acid + Metal Oxide --> Salt + Water
          1. Acid + Metal Hydroxide --> Salt + Water
      3. Combination of Metal anf Acid decides the Salt!
        1. Hydrochorid acid + copper oxide = copper chloride + water
          1. Hydrochloric acid + sodium hydorxide = sodium chloride + water
          2. Sulphuric acid + zinc oxide = zinc sulfate + water
            1. Sulfuric acid + calcium hydroxide = calcium sulfate + water
            2. H2SO4 + ZnO --> ZnSO4 + H20
              1. hn03 + koh --> kno3 + h20
            3. Ammonia can be NEUTRALISED w/HNO2 to make fertiliser
              1. Ammonia dissolves in h20 to make an alkaline solution
                1. When it reacts with nitric acid, you get a neutral salt - ammonium nitrate
                  1. NH3 + HNO3 --> NH4NO3
                    1. AMMONIA + NITRIC ACID --> aMMONIUM NITRATE
                      1. Doesn't produce water -unusal!
                        1. Good fertiliser because it has nitrogen from two sources, the ammonia and the nitric acid - double dose!
                          1. Plants need nitrogen to make proteins
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