conformity to social roles


social roles, research into conformity into social roles, evaluation of research
yui chen
Mind Map by yui chen, updated more than 1 year ago
yui chen
Created by yui chen over 3 years ago

Resource summary

conformity to social roles
  1. social roles
    1. parts people play as members of social groups
      1. come with expectations of appropriate behaviour
      2. the extent to which we conform to expectations that others have
        1. research into conformity to social roles
          1. zimbardo
            1. aim
              1. to see if people would conform to given social roles
                1. prison guards and prisoners
              2. procedure
                1. mock prison in stanford uni's basement
                  1. participants = volunteers that were deemed to be "emotionally stable"
                    1. participants randomly assigned roles
                      1. prisoners' routines regulated and decided by guards
                        1. prisoners were arrested at their homes
                          1. guards had their own weapon and uniform
                            1. wore sunglasses
                              1. hid identity
                                1. allowed them to abuse their power without being recognised
                            2. originally to run for 2 weeks, had to be stopped after 6 days
                            3. results
                              1. participants conformed to given social roles
                                1. guards' behaviour became a threat to prisoners' physical and psychological health
                                  1. prisoners rebelled but became obedient after being subdued
                                2. conclusion
                                  1. power of situation influenced people's behaviour
                                3. evaluation
                                  1. :) high internal validity
                                    1. lab experiment
                                      1. control EVs
                                        1. establish cause and effect relationship
                                      2. :( ethical issues
                                        1. protection of participants
                                          1. participants were subject to psychological and physical harm
                                            1. must be a more ethical way to research conformity into social roles
                                        2. :( ecological validity
                                          1. unrealistic task
                                            1. most people will not be prison guards or prisoners
                                              1. none of the participants were prison guards or prisoners before either
                                                1. can't be applied to real life
                                              2. :) evidence to support
                                                1. abu ghraib
                                                  1. US soldiers tormented iraqi prisoners during iraqi war
                                                    1. electrocution
                                                      1. having dogs bite them
                                                        1. shows soldiers conformed to social roles
                                                          1. further validity - was not an experiment
                                                      2. :( evidence to contradict
                                                        1. BBC prison study
                                                          1. similar to zimbardo's study
                                                            1. 15 men randomly allocated roles of prisoners or guards
                                                            2. participants didn't conform to social roles
                                                              1. treated each other respectfully
                                                                1. not everyone conforms to social roles
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