G4 2015 synoptic


WJEC G4 2015 mind map of key concepts
Mind Map by joel.attah1, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Joanne Edgar
Created by Joanne Edgar over 9 years ago
Copied by joel.attah1 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

G4 2015 synoptic
  1. fig 1: calorie consumption, current & projected pop'ns & GDP
    1. world ave 2800 this is >daily rec intake in UK
      1. generally: richer countries consume more calories; less densely pop countries too
        1. 8 countries - 5 pop inc; 1 pop dec; 2 pop stable
          1. Burundi pop inc 50% and Yemen doubling, both <ave calorie intake currently, both low GDP (smaller pops)
        2. fig 2: selected water req's in food prod
          1. takes 1 litre of water to produce 1 calorie of food
            1. 1 kilo of grain (3900 cals) req's 2225l of h2o; 1 kilo of meat (1700 cals) req's 10 000 litres. meat takes 4 x more water to produce for only half the calories
            2. fig 3: change in calorie intake (globally)
              1. daily calorie intake annually grows 13.75 calories during last 50 years. This is approx. 5000 calories extra per person per year
              2. fig 4: meat consumption 1961 vs 2002
                1. increasing in all countries, espec China 48 lg/person/yr; Japan too; Japan 5x more; China 17x; USA 1/3 more
                2. fig 5: ave daily calorie intake by country
                  1. rich North 2600+ per capita; Africa mixture, some <1800 plus Afghanistan
                  2. fig 6 % undernourished by country
                    1. fig 7 global water recharge rates
                      1. fig 8 water cycle
                        1. fig 9: global rainfall pattern
                          1. fig 10: index of food production
                            1. fig 11: estimated potential cropland expansion
                              1. fig 12: progress towards reducing number of hungry
                                1. fig 13: sources of dietary energy: high and low income countries by %
                                  1. fig 14: global water usage inc food prod
                                    1. fig 15: use of green & blue water and evapo-transp losses
                                      1. fig 16: global water scarcity
                                        1. fig 17: water supply challenges
                                          1. fig 18 freshwater availability
                                            1. fig 19 options for agric water management
                                              1. fig 20: water stats
                                                1. fig 21: usage of water by sector
                                                  1. fig 22: movements of virtual water
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