mind map


amirthini. m
Mind Map by amirthini. m , updated more than 1 year ago
amirthini. m
Created by amirthini. m over 9 years ago

Resource summary

mind map
  1. Relationships and Communication
    1. know the person you communicate with.
      1. don't share personal information
      2. Internet Safety
        1. be smart on the internet
          1. think before you do something
            1. vrius
            2. Self-Image
              1. Identity
                1. gender
                  1. religeion
                    1. friends/family
                    2. be you.
                      1. don't care what other's thing of you
                      2. Digital Footprint and Reputation
                        1. can be found, shared, passed on, and coped
                          1. it permanent.
                            1. leaves trail
                            2. Creative Credit and Copyright
                              1. don't plagiarism
                                1. be fair
                                2. Information Literacy
                                  1. communation
                                    1. problem solving
                                      1. critical thinking
                                      2. Cyberbullying
                                        1. stop cyerbulling
                                          1. be a bigger person
                                            1. don't believe everything
                                              1. stand up for your self
                                                1. don't be a hater
                                                  1. tell someone
                                                  2. Privacy and Security
                                                    1. don't share anything that private
                                                      1. be aware of the hackers
                                                        1. keep your eyes open for danger.
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