Critical Approaches to Shakespeare


Recepción Crítica del Teatro de Shakespeare Mind Map on Critical Approaches to Shakespeare, created by Mila Laquidáin on 04/12/2020.
Mila Laquidáin
Mind Map by Mila Laquidáin , updated more than 1 year ago
Mila Laquidáin
Created by Mila Laquidáin over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Critical Approaches to Shakespeare
  1. Unit 1. From Ben Jonson (1572-1637) to Cleanth Brooks
    1. 17th Century Neoclassical criticism
      1. Ben Jonson


        • Defines Shakespeare as a poet not of an age, but for all ages His virtues surpassed his vices Uses terms such as Nature and fancy
        1. John Dryden


          • Of Dramatick Poesie 1668 Set the basis for the main critical positions during 18th century Considers language used inferior to the one of his time
          1. Thomas Rymer


            • Short VIew of Tragedy 1693: Attack on Shakespeare's writings
          2. The Early 19th c.: The Romantics
            1. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1771-1834)
              1. Lectures and Notes about Shakespeare. 1818


                • Reverence to Shakespeare's works Unity of feeling
            2. Late 19th c.: The Victorians
              1. Edward Dowden (1843-1913)
                1. Shakespeare: A Critical Study of his Mind and Art (1875)


                  • First study of Shakespeare artistic evolution as a writer. Biographical touch
                2. A. C. Bradley (1851-1935)
                  1. Shakespearean Tragedy. 1904


                    • Scientific interest in psychology. Applies psychological realism.
                3. First Half of the 20th c.
                  1. Emphasis on poetry and language
                    1. George Wilson Knight (1897- 1985)
                      1. Caroline Spurgeon (1886-1942)
                        1. Wolfgang Clemen (1909-1990)
                        2. The play as a theatrical Artifice
                          1. Harley Granville - Barker
                            1. Muriel C. Bradbrook
                            2. The Historical Approach
                              1. Hardin Craig
                                1. Spencer
                                  1. Tillyard
                                  2. New Criticism
                                    1. Cleanth Brooks (1906-1994)
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