Communication Barriers within the Work Place_1


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Mind Map by BerniceReign, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by BerniceReign over 9 years ago
Copied by BerniceReign over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Communication Barriers within the Work Place_1
  1. First Main Paragraph: Cultural Communication Barriers
    1. 1st Supporting Point: (details) - The inability to understand someone's speech or interpret their behavoiur due to cultural differences
      1. 3rd Supporting Point: (Solution) Enforce a policy that allows employees to learn about other cultures to avoid cultural ignorance and to create an intercultural workplace
        1. 2nd Supporting Point: (Example) In the workplace in the U.S, eye contact is seen as a sign of respect but in many Asian countries, eye contact is seen as disrespectful
        2. Second Main Paragraph: Organisational Communication Barriers
          1. 1st Supporting Point: (details) The inability to understand an organisation, as each organisation has a specific culture and acceptable behavior
            1. 3rd Supporting Point: (solution) Senior management should identify the specific culture and the type of behavior that is acceptable in the organisation, and ensure that the employees understand
              1. 2nd Supporting Point: (example) In one workplace, it may be acceptable to use slang terms but in another, employees may be required to speak formally
              2. Third Main Paragraph: Interpersonal Communication Barriers
                1. 3rd Supporting Point: (example) The business needs may not be fulfilled because an employee is not fully engaged in a meeting
                  1. 3rd Supporting Point: (solution) feedback should be requested in order to assess if the message that has been communicated is fully understood
                    1. 1st Supporting Point: (details) the inability to interact with people within the workplace
                    2. Introduction
                      1. Introduce by stating that communication is essential and explain why, briefly identify cultural, organisational and interpersonal communication barriers
                      2. Conclusion
                        1. Conclude by stating that communication is essential and explain why, recall the three communication barriers that were identified
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