Music and its most prominent types


Primero Ingles Mind Map on Music and its most prominent types, created by Elina Sandoval on 04/01/2021.
Elina Sandoval
Mind Map by Elina Sandoval, updated more than 1 year ago
Elina Sandoval
Created by Elina Sandoval about 4 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (11)

Resource summary

Music and its most prominent types
  1. Tango
    1. It is a musical genre and a dance, characteristic of the Río de la Plata region and its area of ​​influence, but mainly in the cities of Buenos Aires and Montevideo.
    2. Jazz
      1. It is a musical genre born at the end of the 19th century in the United States, which expanded globally throughout the 20th century.
      2. Blues
        1. It is a vocal and instrumental musical genre, based on the use of blues notes and a repeating pattern, which usually follows a twelve-bar structure.
        2. Classical music
          1. Music produced or based on the traditions of Western European liturgical and secular music.
          2. Soul
            1. Soul is a term adopted to describe African-American music in the United States as it evolved between the 1950s and 1970s.
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            about 4 years ago
            I like the theme and the colors.
            about 4 years ago
            good organization and serves to motivate to listen to more musical genres
            about 4 years ago
            nice presentation an good topic
            about 4 years ago
            I like it so much, the topic is also really cool.
            about 4 years ago
            I got fascinated with the type of letter of the tittle apart from that i like the mind map
            about 4 years ago
            This topic is very interesting and your map is very nice
            about 4 years ago
            I love how you talk about the different musical genres and your presentation is excellent.
            about 4 years ago
            the music is the best in the world , i love this work
            about 4 years ago
            I really like your theme and your presentation.
            about 4 years ago
            Excellent work, your work helped me to know what types of music are the most predominant and the information is very good.


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