
Mind Map on MAIN ADVERBS (TYPES), created by Iskra Cabrera on 11/01/2021.
Iskra Cabrera
Mind Map by Iskra Cabrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Iskra Cabrera
Created by Iskra Cabrera about 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group.
      1. Detail when the verb took place. We usually see these kinds of adverbs placed at the beginning or end of a sentence.
        1. DAILY
          1. TOMORROW
            1. YESTERDAY
              1. MONTHLY
                1. YEARLY
              2. ADVERBS OF MANNER
                1. Tell us how, or in what manner, something was carried out. They mostly modify verbs and can often be found at the end of a clause. This category comprises the most common adverbs — the ones that end in -ly.
                  1. SOFTLY
                    1. QUICKLY
                      1. BEAUTIFULLY
                        1. NEATLY
                          1. HAPPILY
                        2. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY
                          1. Let us know how often the verb occurs. Therefore they mostly modify verbs. These adverbs tend to appear right before the main verb in the sentence.
                            1. AGAIN
                              1. ALWAYS
                                1. NEVER
                                  1. SOMETIMES
                                    1. USUALLY
                                  2. ADVERBS OF PLACE
                                    1. Tell us more about where the verb took place. These tend to pop up after the main verb or direct object of the sentence.
                                      1. ABOVE
                                        1. BELOW
                                          1. HERE
                                            1. INTO
                                              1. OUTSIDE
                                            2. ADVERBS OF DEGREE
                                              1. Adverbs of degree tell us more about the intensity of the verb in the sentence, in other words, they describe how much, or to what degree.
                                                1. NEARLY
                                                  1. ENOUGH
                                                    1. JUST
                                                      1. ALMOST
                                                        1. SO
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