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World War 2
events and significant actions taken by countries during WW2
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atomic age
european theater
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
World War 2
Internment and Xenophobia
Executive Order 9066 decision
long lasting anti Japanese sentiment
vengance after pearl harbour
physical differences made them an enemy race
military advisors minipulated information
designated certian areas as military zones, removed J-A's from their homes to internment camps on the interrior
court declared cerfews amungst minority groups was constitutional when nation was at war with the country
court declared internment of american citizens with japanese dissent was constitutional
reasoning- prevent internal dammage by those who may be loyal to Japan, impossible to distingush loyal from disloyal so they went for everyone
Ex Partie Endo (1944)- court ruled that citizens who were loyal could not be interned by the government
mexicans were also targeted, people would beat them up on the street especially in CA
lack of responce by FDR to the holocaust- antisemetic feelings in the US and fear of massive jewish immigration
simmilar to JA internment- caused the hesitation by FDR to approve
The European Theater
American Responce
Germany invades Poland
cash & carry- money and munitions but allies have to come here to get it
Germany defeats France
Lend lease- Cash without carry
Japan continues attack on China
ban on trade (oil embargo)
Pearl Harbour
declaration of war on Japan
Atlantic Charter- people have right to govern them selves w/out dictator
conrtibution by the allies
supplied 50% of all goods
mobile army- men were very handy
invasion of Normandy- americans had fast mobile army
D-day- won bc many troops and supplies
Dresdon- intense fire bombing (pilots felt bad)
US had low amount of civilian death- not fighting on their own territory
soviets lost many people because of poor decisions
VE day- war is over, divide up countries, hitler kills himself
The Home Front
American View
stay isolated
horrifired by past events
payed less
men didnt think they could do as well as them
each represented a man gone to war
continued to have to clean house/ kids
felt needed
got social security numbers
payed more than previous jobs
type of work
everything related to war effort
riveting, sifting gunpowder etc
fear- protect children
guilt- gave brother/ son/ husband, what will you give
Revenue Act of 1941- raised taxes to get money for the war
The Atomic Age
Manhattan Project- scientists work to make nuclear bomb before Germany, when it was finnished my scientists worried about the strength of the bomb
Potsdam Conference- separation of Germany and other countries, US want for Japans unconditional surrender, US had power after discovery of atomic bomb
signed by England, China, and Japan
significance- US drops bomb of Japan, Russia declares war and Japan does not respond to surrender request, US drops another bomb
Yalta conference- Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill meet, three would join to draft a UN charter (gave council responcibility for keeping peace
contraversey- much info was kept secret, Americans didnt trust Russia, but Roosevelt wanted to keep a working relationship with them
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