collision in 1 dimention


to learn difficult topics
Mind Map by bsef11m044, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bsef11m044 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

collision in 1 dimention
  1. elastic
    1. where P & K.E remain conserve
      1. to prove
        1. law of conservation of momentum
          1. +
            1. K.E remain conserve
              1. relative velocity after collision = relative velocity before collision
                1. formula for v1'
                  1. formula for v2'
          2. casses
            1. m1=m2 , v2=0
              1. m1=m2
                1. m1=0. v2=0
                  1. m2=0, v2=0
          3. inelastic
            1. where P & K.E does'nt conserve
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