DIABETES - Type 1 & 2


Chronic Mind Map on DIABETES - Type 1 & 2, created by Tafe Teachers SB on 16/01/2021.
Tafe Teachers SB
Mind Map by Tafe Teachers SB, updated more than 1 year ago
Tafe Teachers SB
Created by Tafe Teachers SB about 4 years ago

Resource summary

DIABETES - Type 1 & 2
  1. Type 1 - autoimmune disease
    1. Type 2 - trigger by lifestyle factors, genetics
      1. Occurs mostly in the under 30s but can occur at any age
        1. Occurs mostly in the over 45s but can be found in obese young
          1. Clinical manifestations- polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, fatigue, blurred vision, slow healing, recurrent infections, weight loss.
            1. Symptomatic if BGL high, slow healing, recurrent infections, lethargy, blurred vision
              1. Pancreas stops producing insulin
                1. Pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or body cells have insulin resistance
                  1. Quick onset
                    1. Slow onset
                      1. Treatment - Insulin, nutritional therapy, exercise, Aspirin, Aniti-lipid drugs, Diabetic teaching plan, Continuous glucose monitoring system
                        1. Treatment - oral hypoglycaemics, Insulin, nutritional plan ,exercise, lose weight, Diabetic teaching plan., Aspirin, Aniti-lipid drugs.
                          1. Diagnosis - C Peptides (tells difference between 1 & 2), Antibodies for Type 1, Glucose tolerance Test, HbA1c
                            1. Complications - Retinopathy, Nephropathy, Neuropathy, PVD, Artherosclerosis, Lipodystrophy, Hypoglycaemia, Hyperglycaemia, DKA
                              1. Nursing considerations - BGLs, Diabetic education of pt & family - about disease & management, healthy eating, complications, medications - insulin use..
                                1. Community help - DAFNE- Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating for Type 1s. DESMOND - a self management education course for Type 2s. Diabetes QLD, Diabetes Australia.
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