OWT 223 Fast Subject & Performativity


Mind Map on OWT 223 Fast Subject & Performativity, created by tin_sy on 28/05/2015.
Mind Map by tin_sy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by finn.grahe over 9 years ago
Copied by tin_sy over 9 years ago

Resource summary

OWT 223 Fast Subject & Performativity
  1. Thrift (2002) Performing Cultures in The New Economy
      1. With the construction of 'New Spaces' of action in which the unmarked has become marked and objectified, a new Fast Subject is formed.
        1. 1) We can see a new set of embodied resources being brought into the world for capitalist firms. This is a world where Business is smart & FAST.
          1. 2) Perhaps a new map of personkind, based upon attributes of personhood & potential for innovation & creativity. HOWEVER this might be accompanied by few exceptions made for new entrants like Japanese & overseas Chinease
            1. 3) That for there to be Faster Subjects, there have to be Slower ones.but also in the sense of workers who live in this world of forced team working, have been shown a vocabulary of protest.
              1. 4) The Fast world may not last. It is critically dependent on a business model of short term returns which may have its limits. For example FAST COMPANY in 2000 expressed its concern over the increasing prevalence of 'built to flip' rather than 'built to last' companies, based on the practice of selling up quick companies that realise instant profits.
                1. Managers now see themselves as entitled to make money.
                2. 5) There is no guarantee that the process of producing fast subjects that are capable of functioning in this fast world, can or will succeed. It is an unfinished project and body of knowledge still being created.
                  1. Fast subjects, May well turn out to be fragile subjects, only able to hold together with certain costs.
                    1. Is it possible for a manager to achieve balance, to be a sustainable person? Or is it the case of 'the more you get the less you feel you have. The faster i go the faster i feel the need to go' (Barlow 1999).
                3. The negation of everything is the essence of the fast subject. = Key economic problem of management in 21st Century: How is there to be any sense of value if everything is boring, unsatisfying. This is a cultural trap. The value of a thing has entered into a negative cycle so nothing can satisfy us. Hence the New Economy is truly new as it has seperated any value from producable objects.
                  1. Understanding the Performative Turn
                    1. It is no suprise that organisations tend to draw inspiration from the performing arts as they are a rich archive of knowledge and techniques for making community, tuning creativity and enlivening space (Thrift 2000).
                      1. Thrift speaks very clearly and concretely about the form that scripts the performative nature of contemporary culture present both at work and outside of it. This form is a cultural phenomenon: The Fast Subject
                        1. The performative turn corresponds to the intensified cultural success of or to soft capitalism, and to the ethics of self-work. The performative turn takes place when the dominant ideal of our lives becomes the one we must keep returning to: “Don’t sell for anything less than you can be! Make your life a masterpiece!”
                          1. performativity is the key to ‘excellence’, and ‘excellence’ is the platform of self-actualisation and self-improvement in work
                            1. Facile Formula: Only Perfect People can PERFORM perfect work; and only performing Perfect Work can one PERFECT oneself.
                            2. core sphere of performativity: exchange. ‘shopping’ is that performance itself (any performance, of any kind) can only claim and realise its value as a spectacle, as a viewed event. Exchange becomes the true and ultimate stage of the spectacle of so-called value realisation in the age of performance
                              1. Shopping becomes the place where the product appears not simply as a product, but as an indicator of excellence, of so-called added value – that element of value now supersedes the functional purpose of any ‘thing’.
                            3. Performativity & Work in the New Economy
                              1. Our Economy is of Performative Positions, how things look.
                              2. Other Perspectives on Performative Turn
                                1. Whilst Thrift tells us about the performative turn as corresponding to ‘the time when emergency becomes the rule’ and which forces subjects to become performative in the name of a ‘new economy’ in which new products and services are produced,
                                  1. we argue that something else gave birth to this new economy, something else is its cause: namely, the Self which depend upon speed in the satisfaction of the insatiable appetite of individual success or self-realisation.
                                    1. Fast subjects and the new economy must be understood together as the essence of the performative turn in both production and consumption
                                2. The New Economy
                                  1. A new economy has arisen (Service Economy). Thrift announces it is not what is being produced, but how its delivery and exchange are performed - Production as a spectacle & Performance Culture.
                                    1. The intensification of consumer demand, the vast expansion in customer service are the elements of this new economy. Its essence lies in the notion of added value
                                      1. Engine of New Economy is need for unecessary items of mass produce. We are too 'Fast' to realise to move on to something else that might make us happier. The demand is that we all explore ways to express ourselves as performative workers, shoppers and consumers.
                                        1. Those who can not do that will remain ‘slow subjects’,. The ‘fast subject’, on the other hand, is full of potential, enthusiasm and youthful vigour. iooking to self - actualise
                                          1. The human subject is no longer a mere part of the production process, service/knowledge economy, the subject is the production process. Hence, individual subjectivity becomes also the locus of performativity, but also the locus and source of added value.
                                    2. The value of any thing lies in its appearance – not in its function. This is the shifting place of value. The VW Phaeton example.
                                      1. The New Economy is precisely revolving around the indeterminacy of the value of any thing and on the instant devaluation of every thing as soon as its moment of performance, or its ‘spectacle’ has finished.
                                        1. Value appears in between the Private & Public spheres, how it makes you look, the spectacle
                                    3. Govornmentality (Foucault 1991) & New Spaces
                                      1. Foucault (1991) - Governmentality: Concentrated on practices of power and the 'code of conduct' one might use to govern themself
                                        1. Thrift interested in how spaces can produce identity effects. - In which ways space figure as 'technologies of the self'.
                                          1. Managers are the products of increasingly engineered circumstance. Nowadays this viewpoint is often gathered under the concept of PERFORMATIVITY,
                                            1. The Procedures which show up and value the new things that are necessary to create 'fast subjects'are bound up with the productions of 'new spaces', which, by being more active, more performative than those of old, can help foster creativity (Thrift 2000)
                                        2. The project of Governmentality is spreading as a key element of the 'Knowledge Economy'. Also more likely to be found in industries that characterise themselves as 'Fast'. & where highly educated Managers are and Large firms.
                                        3. The State of Emergency & The Fast Subject
                                          1. As Walter Benjamin Predicted, firms now live in a "permanent stage of emergency", always bordering on the edge of chaos
                                            1. With this Turn to the rule of emergency, it demands New Disciplines and Skills of Managers. The Organisational Man is gone and in his stead, new subject positions must be invented
                                              1. What is unfolding is the gradual attempt to engineer new kinds of 'FAST' Subject positions which can cope with the disciplines of permanent emergency
                                            2. Against the pressure of shorter time horizons and the need for increase innovation The Fast subjects need to be "Calculating subjects able to withstand the exigencies of faster and faster return
                                              1. managers find themselves part of a Panoptic (world based on shorter time horizons) and have become part of 'Audit Explosion".
                                              2. Being prepared for surprise isn't easy. Consists of 3 qualities. 1) All cultural succesful learning and creativity needs to engage the passions & senses of the whole brain. 2) Establishment of innovative groups. 3) Design of thinking spaces which allow groups to create and produce innovation
                                              3. EXAMPLES
                                                1. Fast Company - is a cultural weapon aimed at challenging a business's self-image by focusing the insights on the nw=ew economy,
                                                  1. GOOGLEPLEX
                                                    1. 18 Different Restaurants & Cafes all free.
                                                      1. Drinks & Snacks near everyones work area.
                                                        1. Fitness Centtre 4 Gys, Massage Parlour,
                                                          1. Sleeping Pods to Nap.
                                                            1. Doctor - Free
                                                              1. Provides Laundry
                                                                1. Made for Fast Subjects, everything looks good
                                                                  1. Googleplex made for creativity & innovation in a relaxed working environment.
                                                                  2. Gives them all the tools to perform
                                                                  3. It is an attempt to produce a new visual rhetoric, aimed at visualising the views of the New Economy. It is also meantt to act as a role model for young people working in the new economy.
                                                                    1. It is clearly an attempt to produce a new community based around the idea of a new economy which will embody particular values and produce new foundational stories. ‘it can be seen as an attempt to boost the cultural capital of business. Business becomes funky, youthful, sexy, caring, fun. Business becomes where it’s at, not just work but popular culture.
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