
Mind Map on 1984, created by Alessandro Granziol on 26/01/2021.
Alessandro Granziol
Mind Map by Alessandro Granziol, updated more than 1 year ago
Alessandro Granziol
Created by Alessandro Granziol over 3 years ago

Resource summary

  1. dystopian social-science fiction
    1. totalitarism
      1. 4 Ministries
        1. Ministry of Love
          1. Ministry of Peace
            1. Ministry of Plenty
              1. Ministry of Truth
            2. mass control/surveillance
              1. telescreen
              2. 3 superpowers with balance of power
                1. Oceania
                  1. Eurasia
                    1. Eastasia
                      1. neverending war to maintain stability
                    2. George Orwell(Eric Arthur Blair)
                      1. ingsoc
                        1. doublethink
                          1. newspeak
                            1. language of simplified grammar and restricted vocabulary designed to limit the individual's ability to think and articulate concepts such as personal identity, self-expression and free will
                            2. process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct
                            3. English Socialism: predominant ideology and philosophy in Oceania
                            4. main characters
                              1. Winston Smith
                                1. Julia
                                  1. O'Brien
                                  2. examination of truth and facts within politics and the way they are manipulated
                                    1. criticism of the Stalin dictatorship
                                      1. book banned in communist Russia
                                    2. production started in 1944
                                      1. published in 1948
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                                      1984 Major Quotes
                                      1984 Analysis
                                      Ruben Maturana
                                      1984 - Good quotes to memorise
                                      1984 and The Handmaid's Tale Critics
                                      Alicia Brown
                                      Context (1984)
                                      1984 From A Marxist Perspective
                                      surahthul fatheha .al falaq, al naas
                                      1984 - Milestone of dystopian fiction
                                      Francesca Falcon
                                      KSA Civic engagement
                                      Hanan Abdullah S
                                      Equations and Experiments in ENGPHYS 2QM3 (1)