Culture and Identity Mind Map


Mind Map for the Spring Semester
Mind Map by puppylovexxxxxxx, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Cecelia Price
Created by Cecelia Price over 9 years ago
Copied by puppylovexxxxxxx over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Culture and Identity Mind Map
  1. Visual Culture
    1. Stuart Hall - Race is the floating signifier.
      1. Why do we insist on saying that we don't see color? We are made to see difference!
        1. See YouTube Stuart Hall - Race, the Floating Signifier (Part 4/7)
        2. We create discourse associated with the difference we see and build culture through this discourse.
            1. Stuart Hall wrote Representation Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices and illustrates Lewis' point - what we SEE - signifies
              1. This concept is important for new media culture
              2. EVERYTHING we see means something - whether we realize it or not.
                1. Mirzoeff says we don't always know what we are seeing...spooky
                  1. Is seeing believing???
                  2. Mitchell - vision is message without a code - a universal language
                    1. consider the power we give to images..or do the images have power?
                      1. read "You need to Go Upstairs" by Rumer Godden..note the power of visual culture without sight.
                        1. vision is not necessarily a learned activity..we assume much
                          1. Wolf says there is a danger is abandoning theory for the power of objects
                            1. She also is critical of critical theory - it blocks emotion
                          2. Theories of Identity
                            1. Fanon - doubling - the third dimension - being Self and Other (Bhabha, 1994) - both positions are partial - there is a denial of self involved. p. 72
                              1. Doubling - "Look, a Negro!"
                                1. Fanon says, "triple person...i was responsible for my body, for my race, for my ancestors" (Bhabha, 1994)
                                  1. This does not disappear...
                                    1. I have felt this. It is so real.
                                      1. the duplicity of the mIssing person pencilled in before your eyes..that watch and 76
                                        1. ...although these images emerge the present, as if the last word on the subject,,
                                          1. ..they cannot identify ...identity as presence." ..painful
                                          2. missing person - subaltern
                                            1. subjected to hegemony of another group - unaware of aubalternity
                                2. Disavowal of the Other incites anger and agression....YES
                                  1. ""For the strategy of the colonial desire is to stage the drama of identity...the black slips to reveal white skin"
                                  2. Bhabha says in Location of Culture
                                    1. "The question of identity is never affirmation of a pre-given identity
                                      1. "never a self fulfilling prophecy
                                        1. "it is always the product of an image of identity and the transformation of the subject in assuming that image. pg 64
                                          1. This concept connects all over the map!!
                                            1. It fits with visual culture
                                            2. pg 72 - a problematic process to access an image of totality....what do you think you that what you want to be?
                                              1. This definition fits all over the map as well.
                                                1. What do you think you see - is that what you want to be - is that who are you are? Is that what others see?
                                    2. Culturally Responsive Teaching
                                      1. Culturally responsive teaching is NOT bringing ethnic food to school! AUGH!!
                                        1. Five Elements
                                          1. Develop a knowledge based about cultural diversity
                                            1. This is important for the new media culture.
                                              1. Learning Communities
                                                1. Communicating with ethnically diverse students
                                                  1. Responding to ethnic diversity with appropriate classroom instruction
                                                    1. Including ethnic ad culturally diverse curriculum
                                                    2. Gay
                                                    3. Achievement improves when students are taught through their own cultural filters
                                                      1. What teachers need to know...
                                                        1. Which ethnic groups give priority to communal living
                                                          1. Cultural differences in how children are expected to interact with adults
                                                            1. implications of gender roles socialization in different ethnic groups
                                                              1. Gay
                                                            2. genzuk offers educators assistance with Funds of Knowledge
                                                              1. get to know students from the perspective of their homelife.
                                                              2. IIrizzary says that though culture may be fluid, groups share characteristics - discrimination - educators need to know this.
                                                                1. At the same time to automatically attribute characteristics to a group! Learn individuals.
                                                                  1. Stay open
                                                                  2. Classroom teacher used "ebonics" to connect, and it worked for him, but I believe that this is not always necessary.
                                                                  3. Afterward text says that arts integration is a powerful means of engaging students and fits perfectly within culturally rresponsive teaching!
                                                                    1. Arts integration fits here as well.
                                                                      1. Arts integration fits here, too.
                                                                  4. New Media culture
                                                                    1. Check out "Did You Know" on Youtube...Sobering
                                                                      1. We need to be preparing students for jobs that do not currently exist.
                                                                        1. We need to change our teaching to keep up with media advancements
                                                                          1. We must prepare them to filter what they see in the media
                                                                            1. A similar concept exists in the study of visual culture
                                                                      2. We will be on the sidelines if we do not keep up with technology
                                                                        1. The difference between tech comfy and tech savvy - we must teach them to be tech savvy
                                                                          1. Jenkins - three tasks to educators
                                                                            1. Eqip students to be productive members of society
                                                                              1. Ensure student understanding of the media presented to them
                                                                                1. Ensure students have ethics to participate in learning communities.
                                                                                  1. Posting info online is dangerous without ethics.
                                                                                    1. must be digitally literate
                                                                                2. The dominance of the image!!! - visual culture!
                                                                                  1. What we see really means something....
                                                                                    1. images not centrally located become marginalized
                                                                                      1. we look and draw conclusions first - then read....can be dangerous. Stuart Hall would agree.
                                                                                        1. A shift away from writing to the image
                                                                                      2. writing redefined - short hand language..with icons and pictures
                                                                                        1. important to note in visual culture, too.
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