concordance rates of
MZ (identical) and DZ
(non identical) twins.
If the offending
behavious is
genetic expectd
that there would
be higher
concordance rates
for MZ than DZ
Lange - found that concordance
rates for DZ twins was 77% and for
MZ twins was 12%.
However Christiansens study was better
controlled and he found that MZ twins
had only 35% concordance rates and 12%
for DZ,
Early twin studies were not well
controlled as there was no way to tell
wether twins were MZ or DZ except to
Twins reared apart often attended
the same schools and visited each
other regularily.
Adoption studies
Involve comparing the
criminal futures of adopted
children with their biological
and adoptive parents.
If there a greater degree of
similarity between Biological
parents and the children then
criminality has a genetic
Almost 50% of children in a sample
of adopted children whose biological
parent had a criminal record,
themselves had a criminal record by
the time they were 18. In a matched
control group where mothers didn't
have a criminal record, only 5% where
convicted of criminal offences.
Hutchings and Mednick- Found that
if both Adoptive and biological
parents had a criminal record,
32.6% of sons became criminals, if
only adoptive father was a criminal
11.5% sons were criminal and if
neither parents had a criminal
record only 10.5% became
Children who are
adopted tend to be
placed in a similar
enviroment to their
biological parents
Some children are
adopted at a much
later age so it may
be early childhood
experiences that
cause criminal
Andrews and Bonta- Common
criminality of biological parent and
adopted child may be solely due to
the effect of inherited emotional
instability or mental illness rather
than directly inherited criminality.
No single criminal gene
has been found
Both twin and adoption
studies seem to support genetic
component but they do also
indicate that the enviroment
may also play a role as even MZ
twins do not have 100%
Has been an attempt to link
criminal behaviour to the
possession of an extra Y
Atypical chromosones
The Y chromosone is responsible for
male sexual development and
testosterone which has been linked to
In 1965, Jacobs et al claimed
to discover the atypical
chromsone pattern XYY in
1.5% of prison population as
opposed to only 0.1% in
normal population
Within et al - found
that only 12 out of
4500 had the extra Y
chromosone and none
had a criminal record.
The XYY theory is no longer acceptable
They are both
attempting to reduce
offending behaviour
down to chemicals and