
Depression reivison
Mind Map by rosiebanting123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rosiebanting123 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. DSM-IV
    1. Motivational
      1. Emotional
        1. Cognitive
          1. Physical
            1. Behavioural
            2. COGNITIVE - BECK 67 and 87
              1. Depression - negative thinking and information processing. Negative triad of self, world and future.
                1. SALKOVSKIS - depressed people have more negative thoughts and inrustions
                  1. BECK 14 depressed people over generalised events; one mistake - I am a failure
                    1. DAVEY 2014 Emotional STROOP and Dichotic listening task.
                      1. CBT - 1. Activity scheduling (monitoring - what you do, easy way in, rate mastery and pleasure, do not retrospectively, observing not evaluating. Scheduling - doing more of meaningful things, pacing, balance, confidence and self efficacy, ADLS. TIC and TOC - List TICS and then produce TOCS). Not behaviour too hard - your cognitions. 2. NATS - thought records. looking for hot thoughts - follow the emotion. Situation, Mood, AT, Evidence for, evidence against, new thought, mood. (say to friend) 3. Intermediate beliefs - themes in NATS, rules for living - recommend to someone else? Pros and cons? Downward arrow. 4.CBS - Continuum, PADESKY 1994 -behavioural experiments, process or content, Flash cards, Theory A theory B, Historical test, role play, BECK CB work sheet.
                      2. INTERPERSONAL - COYNE 76
                        1. Depressed people experience loss due to lack of motivation and lack of experiences = lack of behavioural reinforcement. They seek excessive reassurance = ignored = annoys people = loss and rejections
                          1. JOINER 2002 depressed people elicit negative responses.
                            1. BEHAVIOURAL ACTIVATION - self monitoring (mood), behavioural interventions, social skills training, time management, activity scheduling and contingency planning.
                              1. functional analysis - TRAP initiate change - TRAC
                            2. COMPASSION FOCUSED GILBERT and LEE
                              1. Threat, drive and self soothing cycles - depression drive is low = low motivation, Threat = big, and soothing = small
                                1. Developing a compassion mind/ image/ voice/ place - acceptance rather than change.
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