Benito Mussolini ( 1883-1945


Junior Cert History Mind Map on Benito Mussolini ( 1883-1945, created by maireaddewar on 17/10/2013.
Mind Map by maireaddewar, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by maireaddewar almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Benito Mussolini ( 1883-1945
  1. born in small town in north
    1. harsh father leniant mother
    2. Boy
      1. bully in school
        1. average student
        2. politics
          1. a socialist when young
            1. belief in workers control over society
              1. socialist opposed ww1
                1. wanted italy to join in 1915 to gain land later
            2. soldier
              1. became a seargeant
                1. loved war
                  1. slightly injured but kept crutch to look good
                  2. Fasci
                    1. founded fascist party in 1919
                      1. wanted one strong leader as dictator
                        1. wanted totalitarian ( one party ) rule
                          1. opposed communism
                            1. wanted the state to take over all wealth in the name of the workers
                            2. private army of blackshirts
                              1. used roman salute
                            3. march 'on' Rome
                              1. in 1922 they threatened the king with civil war
                                1. invited mussolini to rome to form a government
                                  1. came on the train
                                    1. claimed they marched to rome
                              2. Electoral law 1923
                                1. Gave his fascist party control of Italy
                                  1. soon became a dictator
                                    1. il duce
                                      1. promised to crush communism and the mafia
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