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The Origins of Language
The origin of language
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Mind Map by
Yuli Ash
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Yuli Ash
almost 4 years ago
Resource summary
The Origins of Language
How did we get from animal vocalization( barks, howls, calls) to human language
When did language begin
At the very beginning of the genus homo. 125,000 years ago
There are many theories about the origins of language
Many of these have traditional names
invented by (Max muller and George Romanes) a century ago.
1. The mama theory
Easiest syllabes
Attached to the most significant objects
2. The ta-ta theory
Language may have derived from gestures
Vocal imitation of movements
4. the pooh-pooh theory
Began witth interjections
Instictive emotive cries, like oh! for surprise and ouch! for pain
3. The bow-wow theory
imitation of natural sounds
moo, choo choo, crash, clang, buzz, bang
5. the ding-dong theory
correspondence between sounds and meaning
sound symbolism
6. The yo-he-ho theory
Language began as rhytmic chants
words like cut, strike, break, crush
9. The hocus pocus theory
language may have some roots in sort of magical or religious aspects from our ancestors
8. the hey you! theory
We have always needed interpersonal contact
Language began to signal both, identity (im here) and belonging (im with you)
cry out in fear, anger or hurt
10. The Eureka Theory
Language was invented
Ancestors had the idea of assigning arbitrary sounds to mean certain things
7. the sing-song theory
language comes out of play, laughter, cooing, courtship
System of symbols
with levels of organization
Phonetics ( the sounds).
The syntax ( the grammar)
Semantics (The meaning)
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