fracture in the arm


Mind Map on fracture in the arm, created by Batoul jahed on 08/02/2021.
Batoul jahed
Mind Map by Batoul jahed, updated more than 1 year ago
Batoul jahed
Created by Batoul jahed about 4 years ago

Resource summary

fracture in the arm
  1. first aid of fractures
    1. 1. Stop bleeding 2. Avoid moving the affected area 3. Cool the affected area 4. Treat the patient's shock 5. Call the ambulance
    2. A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone or cartilage.
      1. common causes: falls, car accidents, direct blow, pathological
        1. pathological causes: osteoporosis, low BMD
        2. signs and symptoms: pain, bleeding, numbness, swelling and tenderness, limitation of movement
        3. types of bone fractures
            1. Salter-Harris Fractures
              1. Fractures that involve the epiphyseal plate alone or in combination with a part of the bone.
            2. brachial plexus
              1. the sets of nerves supplying the shoulder, upper and lower hand
                1. bone fractures can affect the nerves near the fracture
                  1. eg: wrist drop, the radial nerve is affected
                    1. physiotherapy for wrist drop
                      1. wrist flexion and extension stretch, supination, grip strengthening
                    2. eg: surgical neck fractures can cause damage to the axillary nerve
                  2. Management of Bone Fracture
                    1. Stop any bleeding immobilization
                      1. put a Plaster casts or plastic functional braces
                        1. cast types :
                          1. plastic, synthetic, splint (half cast), cast brace
                          2. Cast complications
                            1. Compartment syndrome
                              1. pressure sores
                                1. Thermal Injuries
                                  1. Dermatitis
                                    1. Joint stiffness
                                  2. fracture may require surgery, metal plates inserted and physiotherapy
                                  3. anatomy of the arm
                                        1. + the radius and ulna
                                        2. Fracture healing
                                          1. direct (primary) healing
                                            1. Indirect (secondary) healing
                                              1. steps :
                                                1. acute inflammation
                                                  1. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSc) recruitment
                                                    1. Callus formation
                                                      1. Neo-angiogenesis
                                                        1. Resorption and replacement of soft cartilaginous callus by hard callus
                                                          1. Remodeling of bone
                                                        2. Sensory Neurons
                                                          1. 5 main types
                                                            1. photoreceptors
                                                              1. chemoreceptors
                                                                1. mechanoreceptros
                                                                  1. thermoreceptors
                                                                    1. nociceptors (pain)
                                                                  2. Neurological examination of the upper limbs
                                                                    1. used to assess
                                                                      1. Tone, Reflexes, Power and Sensory function
                                                                      2. examines the shoulder, elbow and wrists
                                                                      3. radiography and x-rays
                                                                        1. types : X-rays and fluoroscopy
                                                                          1. it detects :
                                                                            1. fractures. dislocation, subluxation
                                                                          2. Psychological Complications after a bone fracture
                                                                            1. Adjustment Disorder (Situational Depression)
                                                                              1. Acute stress disorder/ Post-traumatic stress disorder
                                                                                1. Depression and anxiety
                                                                                  1. limiting participation in physical activities
                                                                                    1. Ways to Cope
                                                                                      1. an exercise that does not put undue stress on your healing limb
                                                                                        1. seek support from family member/care giver
                                                                                          1. online support groups
                                                                                        2. Bone Tissue
                                                                                          1. specialized hard type of C.T., with calcified extra-cellular matrix
                                                                                            1. rich blood supply
                                                                                              1. Dynamic( constantly changes shape
                                                                                                1. covered all around my the bone membrane called the periosteum
                                                                                                  1. periosteum has a blood supply + provides stem cells for bone repair and growth
                                                                                                  2. endosteum: lines the bone marrow
                                                                                                    1. Bone Cells
                                                                                                      1. Osteoprogenitor cells
                                                                                                        1. Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
                                                                                                        2. Osteoblasts
                                                                                                          1. The stem cells of the bones
                                                                                                          2. Osteocytes
                                                                                                            1. mature bone cells
                                                                                                            2. Osteoclasts
                                                                                                              1. bone destroying cells
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