5 Theories of SLA


theories of language acquisition
Mind Map by carolinegagnon5, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carolinegagnon5 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

5 Theories of SLA
  1. Arbitrary vocal symbols
    1. Ferdinand de Saussure
      1. Structionalism- ordered internal relationships
        1. consists of words (units) and their relationships
        2. Role of unit depends on overall structure
          1. classroom application: understanding children might have different views on what certain objects are
            1. Example: Furniture. May be a couch to one, or a table to another
          2. System of language
            1. Structural Linguistics
              1. Signified vs Referenced
                1. synchrony vs diachrony
                  1. paradigm vs syntagm
                    1. Frees language of associations
                      1. Ferdinand de Saussure
                        1. Classroom application: knowing that children may have different words for the same term
                          1. cat vs kitty or gato
                      2. BICS
                        1. Jim Cummins
                          1. Basic interpersonal communication skills
                            1. language that is used all around
                              1. what teachers hear within social interaction
                              2. Not necessarily academic language
                                1. classroom application: can observe how the children notice and use language in a social setting
                                2. CALP
                                  1. Jim Cummins
                                    1. Cognitive academic language proficiency
                                      1. Linguistic demands
                                      2. takes over 12 years to become fluent and proficient in a language
                                        1. classroom application: understanding that academic language isn't the same as social language
                                        2. Universal Grammar
                                          1. Noam Chomsky
                                            1. all human grammar shares the same basic tools
                                              1. Functional florishes
                                                1. classroom application: seeing how different languages can vary but all come from the same basics can be helpful in language acquisition
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