Manchurian Crisis


Mind Map on Manchurian Crisis, created by Emz Shep999 on 19/10/2013.
Emz Shep999
Mind Map by Emz Shep999, updated more than 1 year ago
Emz Shep999
Created by Emz Shep999 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Manchurian Crisis
  1. Why did the crisis happen?
    1. Because Manchuria was very important to Japan.
      1. The railyway was their only way of getting food to the country
      2. The railway was blown up and Japan blamed China
      3. How did the league react to this?
        1. They sent someone to file a report
          1. The league wanted to be careful not to upset Japan as they were on the council of the leauge
            1. The league couldn't use economic sanctions because USA was the main country that traded with Japan and USA never joined the leauge
            2. What was the outcome of the crisis
              1. A year later the Lytton Report came out in favour of China being innocent
                1. Japan Ignored the report
                2. What were the results of the crisis?
                  1. Japan left the league in 1933
                    1. In 1937 Japan invaded China and the league did nothing
                    2. Why did the league fail to resolve this crisis?
                      1. Because they didn't want to upset Japan
                        1. Economic sanctions would have done nothing to affect Japan
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