Why did Labour fall from power in 1924?


Mind Map on Why did Labour fall from power in 1924?, created by Dave Greenhalgh on 05/06/2015.
Dave Greenhalgh
Mind Map by Dave Greenhalgh, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by elise-v over 9 years ago
Dave Greenhalgh
Copied by Dave Greenhalgh over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Why did Labour fall from power in 1924?
  1. Campbell Case
    1. Labour government was accused of influencing the withdrawal of journalist J.R. Campbell's prosecution for encouraging troops to mutiny if they were called upon to fire at striking workers.
      1. Many saw this as Labour having connections with Communism.
        1. MacDonald's failure to deal effectively with this was the last straw and he resigned.
        2. Zinoviev Letter
          1. A letter from Grigor Zinoviev, chief of the Comintern, addressing the British Communist party to infiltrate the Labour party and bring down the British state, was printed in the Daily Mail four days before general election after MacDonald's resignation.
            1. Historians believe this letter to have been forged.
              1. Labour had drawn up Anglo-Russian Treaty in which Britain agreed to advancing £30 million loan to the Soviet Union. This made people believe that Labour was too close to Communist Russia, and Zinoviev letter obviously fuelled this fear.
              2. Minority Government
                1. Could only pass limited legislation rather than making radical changes, eg. restrictions on unemployment benefit were eased and more public funds directed to education.
                  1. Wheatley's Housing Act 1924 was passed to develop Chamberlain's scheme. The subsidy paid per property increased to £9 and annual payment to local councils was extended to 40 years. Successful, by 1933 1/2 million council houses built.
                    1. MacDonald persuaded France and Germany to move towards a settlement of the reparations issue. Before, France demanded Germany pay full original amount settled at Treaty of Versailles, but Germany felt this was impossible. Dawes Plan lowered reparations and allowed a period of 5 years over which it was to be paid. Yet as the Dawes Plan was not agreed until 1925, MacDonald was not credited for his efforts.
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