

science revision
Mind Map by hayleyross7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hayleyross7 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. CELLS
    1. animal cells
      1. plant cells
          1. Chloroplasts- carry nutrition to the cell
            1. A specialised cell is a cell thats adapted with special features to complete its function/job
              1. Heart Muscle Cells
                1. In heart to keep it pumping if went wrong stop your heart
                2. melanocyte
                  1. Controls the melanin levels to protect form UV lights. Arms to travel through skin cells. Skin would die without them as it feeds skin
                  2. Red blood cells
                    1. In blood flow carry oxygen, bend to fit through vessels you won't produce enough blood without them
                    2. Ciliated cells
                      1. In airways cover down to your lungs stop airways from getting infected, carry 200 hairs.
                      2. White Blood cells
                        1. In blood vessels help fight infection change shape without them you would die
                        2. Nerve cells
                          1. everywhere in you body they pass messages from one cell to another they are long and change shape without them you could be paralysed.
                          2. Fat cells
                            1. All around your body give energy between meals store fat 3x as normal size to store fat without you would be tired and have no energy and protection against ilnesses caused by fat.
                            2. Bone cells
                              1. In every bone in the body and fix broke bones they store calcium without they won't repair broken bones
                      3. Nucleus- it controls the cell, giving orders
                        1. Cell Membrane- it holds the cell and controls what goes in and out
                          1. Cytoplasm-its the site of reactions needed for life
                            1. Cell Wall- it provides support for the cell.
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