SLA Theories


for CTRD
Mind Map by stewalu, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by stewalu almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

SLA Theories
  1. Krashen's Theory which consist of 5 main Hypothesis
    1. Aquisition-Learning Hypothesis
      1. Most important and most widely known of his theories
        1. There are two independent systems, the acquired system and the learned system. The acquired is the process kids go through while learning their first language involving natural communication. The learned is the outcome of instruction and knowledge of the language.
        2. Monitor Hypothesis
          1. Explains the connection between the acquisition and the learning systems.
            1. There are three types of Monitor users. Over-users, Under-users, and Optimal users.
            2. Natural Order Hypothesis
              1. Saying that there is a natural order for the grammar of the language.
              2. Input Hypothesis
                1. How the learner takes on the second language. It is focused more on the acquisition than the learned system.
                2. Affective Filter Process
                  1. Says that there are variables that play into learning a second language.
                    1. Motivation, self confidence, and anxiety are the three varibles and play into learning a second language.
                    2. If i was using Krashen's theory I would not keep them in the classroom making them learn what a saw is for example. I would take them into the shop and show them the saw and show them what it does and how to use it.
                    3. Jim Cummins
                      1. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills vs. Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Theory
                        1. BICS are the listening and speaking skills that are quickly acquired by most students.
                          1. CALP is how the student takes on the demand from a variety of subjects.
                          2. Common Underlying Proficiency Theory
                            1. When someone learns a language they acquire a set of skills and knowledge that can be used when learning another language.
                              1. Once you teach the kids about one machine in the shop they can use the skills they received for this tool and apply those same learning skills to learn about other tools in the shop.
                              2. Task Difficulty Theory
                                1. Where the task you expect are categorized by difficulty of task.
                              3. Noam Chomsky
                                1. Language Acquisition Device Theory
                                  1. He believes every child has a LAD
                                    1. The LAD encodes grammatical structures and principals into the brain. Therefore learning new vocabulary can be applied to the structures of the LAD which will form sentences.
                                      1. So when I teach the kids the vocabulary of the tools it helps them understand how to use them.
                                    2. David Crystal
                                      1. Theory of Child Language Acquisition
                                        1. Says the children learn languages in five stages.
                                          1. 1. Children say things for three purposes
                                            1. To get what they want
                                              1. To get attention
                                                1. To draw attention to something
                                                2. 2. Ask questions
                                                  1. 3. Ask question with intonation alone, express more complex wants, expanded sentence sturcure
                                                    1. 4. Complex sentence structure and saying what they mean
                                                      1. 5. Use the language for everything they need it for
                                                      2. These 5 stages will help the kids learn how to use different tools around the shop. First they will learn the word. Second they will ask questions about the tool. third they will start to explore and understand the tool. fourth they will do problems with the tool and learn how to make things and fix problems with it. and fifth they will fully understand the tool in the shop.
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