Use Public Transit - Vehicles
such as buses or trains
provide easy transportation
to many places
Carpool - Having multiple
passengers in a single vehicle
will reduce both traffic
congestion and carbon
Biking or Walking - Useful
for going shorter distances,
biking and walking does not
pollute the air and is healthy
for the human body
Electric Cars - Electric cars
use less energy than gasoline
engine cars and they do not
produce emissions at all.
Encourage car owners to
switch to electric cars due to
their many benefits
Pumping Tires - By pumping your
tires to the manufacturer's
recommended PSI, you will get better
traction and mileage thus increasing
your car’s efficiency
Appliance Alternatives - You can avoid using
electric appliances entirely by applying certain
methods. Hand wash dishes instead of dishwasher,
clothes line instead of dryer, hand cutting grass
instead of a lawnmower
Make your house/backyard green
(literally) - Get a handful of potted plants
in your house. Plant some trees in your
garden, they will help take in CO2 and
also moderate your house’s temperature
Energy Efficient Appliances - Switch out old
appliances for newer and more energy
efficient models or make existing appliances
greener. Use fluorescent light bulbs rather
than incandescent ones, put a jar of sand in
the toilet, etc
Lower your Thermostat - Do not
always keep your furnace or A/C
since they use a lot of energy to
operate. If it gets too cold, wear a
sweater. If it gets too warm, open
a window or turn on a fan
Food Choices
Buy Locally Grown Products - Foods that come from
far away often need to be shipped long distances to
get to you, often requiring lots of fuel and
transportation costs. Supporting local farmers
means that your food comes from close by, having
few food miles and is often fresher
Avoid Processed Foods - Foodstuffs
that have been through the
manufacturing line have used many
resources and energy to create the
packaging, sanitation, artificial colors,
etc. These products are usually less
healthy than unprocessed foods
Create a Garden - Possibly the
most eco-friendly and cheapest
way is to grow your own food.
The land that your house
occupies may be Class 1
farmland going to waste. The
food you grow reduces your
ecological footprint since it has
not travelled any food miles and
does not go through processing
GMO Free/Organic - Foods grown in organic
and GMO free farms do not use chemicals or
pesticides; effectively reducing their resource
and energy usage. For example, synthetic
fertilizers can release a gas (nitrous oxide)
that is 300 times worse at trapping
greenhouse gases than CO2. On the contrary,
organic farms use cow manure and compost;
which can store much more carbon in the soil
Compost - Taking any organic waste out
to your backyard for composting is a
good idea instead of having all the waste
be dumped into the landfill. The
decomposed material provides good
nutrients for your soil and can be used as
fertilizer for a garden
Part B: Greening My Community - By providing multiple forms of
transportation available for the general public, we can reduce the
amount of cars on the road. The general concept is to fix the problem
of heavy traffic congestion by encouraging use of mass transit and
other alternatives to cars such as biking or walking. Traffic congestion
heavily irmpacts our ecological footprint since huge amounts of CO2
emissions ae released from cars (especially when they are idling).
There are two main concepts to the plan; promote group vehicular
commuting via carpooling & mass transit and supporting eco-friendly
alternatives to transport such as bikes, electric cars, and walking.