The Periodic Table


Mind Map on The Periodic Table, created by rossc99 on 08/06/2015.
Mind Map by rossc99, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Clodagh Mullins
Created by Clodagh Mullins over 9 years ago
Copied by rossc99 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Periodic Table
  1. Early periodic Table
    1. Medeleev/Newlands
      1. Both arranged elements by their ATOMIC WEIGHT
        1. the list was arranged in a able so elements with similar properties were in the same groups


          • newlands discovered the law of octaves but If the atomic weight was strictly followed it only worked until calcium
          1. Mendeleev realised that some had not yet been discovered and left gaps for them
          2. Modern Periodic Table
            1. electrons/protons/neutrons all discovered in the early 20th centuary
              1. now we arrange by atomic (proton) number
                1. now all elements are in the appropriate places
                  1. a table arranged in terms of electronic structures
                  2. Group 1- alkali metals


                    • further down = more reactive, also means it has a lower melting point and boiling point
                    1. low density
                      1. react with non-meatals to form ionic compounds
                        1. form 1+ ions
                          1. form chlorides
                            1. white solids, dissolve in water to form colourless solutions
                          2. react vigorously with water, releasing hydrogen
                            1. when reacted with water form hydroxides, they are soluble in water and give an alkali solution
                            2. Transition elements
                              1. ductile
                                1. good conductors
                                  1. hard+strong
                                    1. malleable
                                      1. high densities
                                        1. high mp/bp apart from mercury
                                          1. less reactive and don't react as vigorously w/ water or oxygen
                                            1. form coloured compounds as they have different ions e.g. Fe1 and Fe3
                                              1. good catalysts
                                              2. Halogens
                                                1. react w/ metals to form ionic compounds
                                                  1. Halide ion carries charge of -1
                                                    1. further down the group the element is...
                                                      1. less reactive
                                                        1. higher mp/bp
                                                        2. more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive halogen from an aqueous solution of it's salt
                                                        3. trends in the table can be explained by the energy levels


                                                          • more shells = electrons easly lost and less are easily gained
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