SCLY4 - Positivism


SCLY4 - Positivism
Mind Map by benjaminboreham96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by benjaminboreham96 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

SCLY4 - Positivism
  1. Structural theory
    1. Enlightenment = truth
      1. Objective
      2. Deterministic factors
        1. Socialisation
          1. Conditioning
          2. Institutes = linked
            1. Social facts
              1. Social forces
              2. Sociologists
                1. Durkheim
                  1. Marx
                    1. Weber
                  2. Science
                    1. Quantitative data
                      1. Correlations
                        1. Objectivity
                          1. NO VALUES
                          2. Observable data
                            1. Laws of behaviour
                              1. Sociologists
                                1. Popper
                                  1. Comte
                                2. Primary Data
                                  1. Experiments
                                    1. Lab and field
                                    2. Questionnaires
                                        1. g
                                        2. Structured Interviews
                                          1. Quantitative data
                                            1. Closed questions
                                            2. Observations
                                            3. Secondary Data
                                              1. Official statistics
                                                1. Crime
                                                  1. e.g. Divorce can cause crime to increase, as lack of male role model turns boys to delinquent subcultures
                                                  2. Divorce
                                                    1. e.g. divorce can lead to poorer performance in education
                                                      1. Religion
                                                        1. e.g. change in power of education from religious institutions to the state
                                                        2. Education
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