When the red panda has just been born it is a baby red panda
They are born blind and although they begin to open their eyes in a couple of weeks, the eyes of red
panda cubs do not open fully until they are about a month old. They are born blind and although they
begin to open their eyes in a couple of weeks Red panda cubs' eyes do not open fully until they are
about a month old.
Red panda cubs cannot leave the nest until they are three months old
They eat only bamboo until they are old enough to digest other foods
They reach their full adult size after about a year.
However, there is a high mortality rate in young red pandas with up to 80% not reaching adulthood.
The red panda belongs to the group of carnivorous mammals, its diet is almost vegetarian since the
bamboo shoots constitute most of its diet.
Reproduction Cycles and Life Cycles of the Red Panda Red Pandas usually reproduce between January
and March and after a gestation period that lasts around four months, the female gives birth to 1 to 5
cubs that are born blind and
Vivir en los climas fríos de las montañas significa que las pandas rojas están bien adaptadas para
mantener el calor con su pelo denso y su cola como una mantaSin embargo, en días realmente fríos se
sabe que los pandas rojos toman el sol en lo alto del dosel para calentarse mientras duermen durante
el día.
Leopardos de nieve y Martens son los únicos depredadores reales del panda rojo junto con las aves
rapaces y pequeños carnívoros que se alimentan de los cachorros más pequeños y vulnerables.