
Biology GCSE Mindmap Kidneys - Digestion, Dialysis, Diabetes
Mind Map by cressidalamming, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cressidalamming over 9 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Is the maintenance of a constant internal environment
      1. DIABETES
        1. Diabetes is a condiitoiion where the amoun of glucse in your blood is too high because
          1. DIGESTION
            1. OSMOSIS
              1. The main job of the kidneys is to regulate he amount of water in the body + balance the conc. of mineral ions in the blood
                1. The amount of water in the blood must be kept constant to avoid cell damage as a result of osmosis
                  1. ADH controls the reabsorbtion of water in the kidney tubules
                    1. Erythropoietin is a hormone which controls how fast new RBC are made
                      1. People with kidney failure do not make enough of this
                        1. AS a result they become anaemic
                    2. DIALYSIS
                      1. A form of treatment that replicates may of the kidneys functionst
                        1. It filters your blood to rid your body of harmful waste
                          1. Extra salt and water
                          2. Often used to treat advanced chronic kidney disease ( kidney failure )
                            1. In the UK more than 40,000 are affected by kidney failure
                              1. In the US over 500,000 people are being treated with dialysis
                                1. Is recommended for those whose kidney function is less than 15%
                                2. DIABETES
                                  1. A condition where the amount of glucose in your blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly
                                    1. This is because your pancreas doesn't produce any insulin or not enough insulin to help glucose enter your body's cells
                                    2. There are 180 million people worldwide that suffer from diabetes
                                      1. 2.5 million in the UK
                                      2. Diabetes can cause problems with the heart and circulation, kidney damage and blindness
                                        1. Worldwide 4 million people die each year from disorders associated with diabetes
                                      3. The kidneys produce urine and get rid of waste products e.g urea
                                        1. They retain glucose and protein ( useful) so none is lost from the body
                                        2. We have 2 kidneys in the back of our body around the size of a fist
                                          1. Part of the uriary system and are connected to the bladder by the ureters
                                            1. Kidney failure can occur due to trauma or an accident envolving the kidney
                                              1. Diabetes is one of the main causes of kidney failure
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