local economy
based on fragile
sectors with low
e.g. forestry,
hunting, wild
people living in the park have less
money to spend on housing, energy and
transport, negative multiplier effect
tourism is disproportionate in terms
of value and employment
1.4 million
people visit
per year
20% of the
park's working
pop. commute
for work, 15%
of the park's
commute from
population growth
from 15,500 in 2003
to 17,000 in 2012
generations move
away to urban areas:
decreases diversity
of skills and workers
migration of people has slowed
down ageing population
however, there is less inward
migration in other areas due to lack
of housing and job opportunities
led to increase in ageing population
4 main aims:
1) conserve and
enhance natural and
cultural heritage
conserve the park's diverse
forests, farmland, mountains, etc.
record and safeguard the
archaeological evidence of
previous generations for visitors
recognise cultures and traditions
associated with the park to secure
the future's cultural heritage
2) promote
sustainable use of
natural resources
conserve and enhance the
areas that produce high quality
food, timber and wood-fuel
helps mitigate and adapt to
the effects of climate change
enhance the wildness as a
special quality for visitors
the importance of natural systems will
be better understood and managed to
maintain healthy ecosystems
3) promote understanding
and enjoyment of qualities
available to public
make the park a significant
learning resource for school
onwards: about special qualities,
sustainability and management
promote sustainable tourism management, specifically
the promotion of the park as a visitor destination, high
quality facilities and visitor pressures on heritage.
implementing and reviewing
strategies for sustainable tourism
4) promote sustainable economic
and social development of area
grow the
economy of
the park by:
diversity of
broadening the
economic base into
other sectors (e.g.
renewable energy)
supporting the use
of land for small
provide more
housing to
meet demand
fast and reliable IT and telecommunications,
fast and safe transport links, wider range of
employment opportunities
attract workers and
younger populations
with diverse skills and