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Practical & Investigative Skills
Practical and Investigative skills mindmap
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practical skills
investigative skills
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over 9 years ago
Resource summary
Practical & Investigative Skills
Glass Pippette
Gas Syringe
Round-bottomed Flask
Conical Flask
Dropping Funnel
Hazard Symbols
Highly Flammable
Oxidising Agent
Separation Techniques
- Separates insoluble solid from a solid/liquid
- Residue remains on filter paper
- Filtrate runs through the filter paper
- Separates the solvent from a solution
- Can be used to determine the BP
- Pure water can be obtained from seawater
Fractional Distillation
- Separates immiscible liquids
- Substance with lowest boiling point is collected first
Separating Funnel
- Separates immiscible liquids
- The liquid with the greatest density separates out as the lower layer
- Iron, Nickel and Cobalt are attracted to magnets
- Used to remove small quantities of an impurity from a solid
1. The impure sample is dissolved in a minimum volume of hot solvent
2. As the solution slowly cools, the saturated substance crystallises out
3. The mixture is then filtered and the crystals washed with a small amount of cold solvent
4. The crystals can be dried out between two filter papers or placed in a warm oven
Paper Chromatography
- Separates mixes of different substances e.g. dyes
1. Small spots of coloured substances are placed in a line near the base of the paper
2. The paper is placed vertically into a beaker or tank contaning a small volume of a suitable solvent
3. The solvent is absorbed and rises up the paper
4. The coloured chemicals in the spots dissolve in the solvent and are carried up the paper
5. The resulting chromatogram is dried and analysed
- The greater the solubility of a compound in the solvent, the greater the distance it will travel up the paper
This technique can be used to...
- Detect whether a coloured dye is a pure compound or a mixture of pigments
A pure compound will produce a single spot on the chromatogram
Indentify a compound/substance by comparison to a known sample
The unknown and known compound will produce the same coloured spot at the same height on the chromatogram
An Investigation
What is the investigation trying to find out?
A lab coat and safety glasses must be worn for all practical work
You need to consider specific hazards such as...
Toxic gases - work in a fume cupboard
Corrosive chemicals - wear gloves
Flammable organic compounds - do not heat with a Bunsen burner, use a water bath
Preliminary work
Trial and error is used to find out which practical method and apparatus will work
One of the reagents must be in EXCESS
One of the reagents LIMITS the reaction
A prediction is made using you knowledge and the preliminary work
Your prediction should include...
- a simple statement of the expected results
- the predicted shape of any graph which you will draw
- a quantitative prediction based on the reaction equation, mole ratios or other scientific knowledge
Always support and explain your prediction with scientific knowledge
Fair test
Variables make and experiment Valid
Only one variable can be changed
Independent Variable
This is the condition that you decide to change
Dependent Variable
This is the variable that you measure as a consequence of the changes in the independent variable
Controlled Variable
These are the conditions that need to be kept constant to make the experiment a fair test
keep the temperature the same
keep the volume the same
keep the same atmosphere
Give a detailed step-by-step method of the experiment, such that another person could carry out the investigation without further help
Obtaining sufficient, reliable and accurate
Five is the minimum number of variations of the factor under investigation
Reliability of data
If the repeated results for an experiment are the same or very similar, they are said to be reliable
Anomalous results
- A result which is significantly different from the rest, in a set of results from an experiment repeated several times
- Results that do not follow the pattern formed by the other results/points on a graph or in a table
Anomalous results must be clearly identified and not used when calculating averages or drawing lines of best fit on graphs
Accuracy : Is the result obtained correct?
Accuracy is increased by using the correct measuring Apparatus for the task
All apparatus possess inherent errors
Obtaining (and recording) the evidence
Results should be displayed in a table
The independent variable must be in the left column
Use clear, accurate headings, which include units
Use SI units
Record all the readings to the appropriate level of accuracy
Record all the readings to the same number of decimal places
An average value is usually calculated - DO NOT include anomalous
In rate investigations use - rate of reaction = 1/time
- Use a sensible scale which uses as much of the graph paper as possible
- The independent variable goes on the x-axis and the dependent variable goes y-axis
- Use small crosses to mark the points
- Label the axes carefully and give the units
- Always add a title, indicating what the graph shows
- Circle (and label) any anomalous results
- Draw a line or curve of best fit (do not join up the points)
- State simply what the table of results and graph show
- Use scientific knowledge to explain what you have found out
- Refer to your prediction
An evaluation should comment on how well the investigation went and address...
Reliability of the procedure and evidence
- How close together are your results? Are your results reliable?
- Identify and try to explain what caused any anomalous results
- Were there any problems with the procedure?
- Do you have sufficient evidence to support or disprove your prediction?
How close to the real figure are your results? (not always possible to answer)
Can be improved by doing more repeats and only using results which are very similar
Can be improved by changing the method or equipment used
What are the flaws in the practical method and how could it be improved?
Always give a reason with your suggestion
Assess the above factors and decide how they have affected your results and hence your conclusion. Is your conclusion valid?
Further work
Further work is carried out to obtain more evidence to support the conclusion made in your investigation
It could involve
- Changing one or more reactants and using same method
- Using different method/apparatus
- Obtaining a wider range of results
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