Secondary Data


skills revision
Mind Map by amylouisemaskell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amylouisemaskell over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Secondary Data
  1. Geological map
    1. -shows solid geology and drift geology
    2. Satellite map
      1. -contain valuable information on weather, land use
        1. -more recent
          1. -more detailed
          2. Goad map
            1. -large scale plans
              1. -frequently updatad
                1. -information on retailers
                2. Land use map
                  1. -historical documents
                    1. -analysis of changes
                      1. -investigations into land use changes
                      2. Postcode map
                        1. -more precise data
                          1. -more consistent data
                            1. -useful for local investigations
                            2. Census data
                              1. -essential source of gov. planning
                              2. Synoptic map
                                1. -useful for local investigations
                                  1. -show isobaric and frontal systems
                                  2. Topographic map
                                    1. -sources of information for storing/recording data
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