

2nd Year Engineering Mind Map on Pavements, created by Jamie Lane on 17/06/2015.
Jamie Lane
Mind Map by Jamie Lane, updated more than 1 year ago
Jamie Lane
Created by Jamie Lane over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Types
    1. Flexable Pavement
      1. Functions
        1. Strength
          1. Durability
            1. Permiability
              1. Loading
                1. Plasticity
              2. Rigid Pavement
              3. Wearing Course
                1. Materials
                  1. Bitumen/Seal
                    1. Types
                      1. Bitumen Emulsion
                        1. Types
                          1. Anionic
                            1. Cathodic
                          2. Cutback Bitumen
                            1. Properties
                              1. Penetration Grade
                                1. Viscosity
                                  1. Flashpoint
                                    1. Softening Point
                                    2. Additives
                                      1. Keroscene
                                        1. Oil
                                          1. White Spirts
                                        2. Additives/Adhesion Agent Types
                                          1. Fluxing
                                            1. Anti-oxidants
                                              1. Antifoaming
                                                1. Polymer Modified
                                            2. Chip seal
                                            3. Method
                                              1. Pretreatment
                                                1. Preperation
                                                  1. Seal
                                                    1. Prepare
                                                      1. Place
                                                        1. Pre Spray
                                                          1. Spray
                                                            1. Spread and Roll Chips
                                                              1. Drygrit lock
                                                                1. Prepare do be reused
                                                            2. Sub Grade
                                                              1. Soil Stabilisers
                                                                1. Geotextile
                                                                  1. Geogrid
                                                                    1. Geomembrane
                                                                  2. Base Course (M/4)
                                                                    1. Aggregatges
                                                                      1. Testing
                                                                        1. Source Property Tests
                                                                          1. Crushing Strength
                                                                            1. Weathering Index
                                                                              1. California Bearing Ratio(CBR)
                                                                                1. Polished Stone Value
                                                                                  1. Weak Particles Test
                                                                                  2. Production Property Test
                                                                                    1. Grading
                                                                                      1. Quality of fines(fine aggregates)
                                                                                    2. Classification
                                                                                      1. Course
                                                                                        1. Fine
                                                                                          1. Sand
                                                                                      2. Subbase (M/6)
                                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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