

Mindmap of Math IA Stimuli
OSCPreIB Teacher
Mind Map by OSCPreIB Teacher, updated more than 1 year ago
OSCPreIB Teacher
Created by OSCPreIB Teacher over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Predicting storm surges
    1. How big can a wave get?
      1. Floods
        1. Predicting Tsumanis
        2. Effect of salt-saturated water on polar ice-caps
          1. Sea-ice vs. Snow ice
            1. Permeability of sea-ice
              1. How does ice grow/melt?
              2. Rainfall - drizzle vs. torrential rain
                1. Modelling rain drops
                  1. Statistical study of rain
                    1. Collecting rain optimisation
                    2. Sailing and the America's cup
                      1. Weight and material of boat
                        1. Size and geometry of sails
                          1. Effect of wind and currents
                          2. Fountains and water designs
                            1. Modeling water jets
                              1. Geometry of water fountains
                              2. How much water left in the world?
                                1. All water in world
                                  1. How many people can survive on the available potable water?
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