

University Business Law 2 Mind Map on Insurance, created by jennysalex on 24/10/2013.
Mind Map by jennysalex, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jennysalex over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Types
    1. Indeminity
      1. property insurance or short-term insurance.
        1. Insured recovers only his actual financial loss.
          1. Cash or replacement determined after event occurs, ltd to loss suffered
            1. Insured must be have position before insured event restored
              1. Extent of damage
            2. Right of contribution
              1. When Insured is covered for same risk by other insurer(s)
                1. Insured can claim from ONE, and the insurer can require contribution from others
              2. Right of Subrogation
                1. Insured cannot claim from insurer and 3rd party
                  1. Insurer has right to sue 3rd party who caused insured loss
                    1. cannot exercise right unless it has settled insured’s claim
                2. Insurable interest must be present at time of taking policy AND time of Loss
                3. Non-Indemnity
                  1. Insurer pays insured or named beneficiary
                    1. a Pre-determined sum upon occurance of insured event (risk)
                      1. Amt not related to risk, not ltd to loss
                        1. Benefits not available for paying debts
                          1. for 5 years from payout
                            1. Benefits and assets Capped at R50000 or as prescribed by minister
                      2. Insurable interest need only exist at time of policy
                    2. Elements
                      1. Insurer: collects premiums from
                        1. Obligation to pay sum of money for valid claim
                          1. Refuse:
                            1. false claim
                              1. Exaggeration, Fabrication, Self inflicted loss
                              2. Insurer failed to honor oblig (warranties)
                                1. Made material misrep / non disclosure in negotiations
                                  1. filed claim out of time
                              3. Insured: to protect from loss of
                                1. Insurable Interest
                                  1. Risk (event covered): from a specified future event known as the risk or peril
                                    1. gives rise to insurers obligation
                                      1. Risk and asset should be properly described, circumstances affecting both (conditions)
                                    2. Stands to suffer or lose if risk occurs
                                    3. Obligation to pay agreed premium
                                      1. Contract provides amt, manner and intervals at which it is to be paid
                                        1. Not necessary for 1st premium to be paid before contract is effective
                                          1. BUT insurer may not honor claim until its paid or deduct from payout
                                  2. Insurance=intention of the insured is to protect from financial losses causes by specified uncertain event.
                                    1. Wager =parties intend to obtain financial gain from happening of specified uncertain event.
                                      1. Not enforceable
                                    2. Sources of Law
                                      1. LongTerm Insurance Act of 1998*.
                                        1. Short Term Insurance Act 53 of 1998*
                                          1. Common Law and Trade practice
                                      2. Intermediaries
                                        1. Agent
                                          1. On behalf of the Insurance co.
                                            1. liability to their customers is administrative
                                          2. Broker
                                            1. Obo Insured to secure adequate coverage
                                          3. Duty of Goof Faith and Disclosure in negotiations
                                            1. Parties obligated to display good faith and disclose MATERIAL facts
                                              1. Breach = Contract voidable at instance of innocent party
                                                1. Materiality test = ask reasonable man
                                                  1. whether the information not disclosed was reasonably relevant to the risk and to the assessment of the premiums. = YES = Material
                                                    1. Cannot rely on Nondisclosure
                                                      1. Already known
                                                        1. Matter of general public knowledge
                                                          1. Should be aware of in the course of its business
                                                            1. Expressly/ Implicitly waived the right to be informed
                                                        2. Insurer may be precluded by estoppel from relying on misrepresentation / nondisclosure, after discovering such and it acts in a manner inconsistent with avoiding the contract.
                                                        3. Insurer mus prove materiality of misrepresentation
                                                          1. Effect:insurer may only set aside contractual obligations if it would not have contracted
                                                            1. If company would have contracted at a higher premium = insured should increase premiums.
                                                          2. e.g Dangerous occupation, extreme sports
                                                            1. liability of insured would be greater than normally expected
                                                              1. facts that show insured is likely to cause the risk to materialise through her/his own culpable conduct
                                                            2. Effect of non disclosure
                                                              1. Valid until election. Contract voidable at instance of insurer.
                                                      2. Terminates when contract = concluded
                                                        1. Disclosure must be made on each renewal
                                                      3. Contract
                                                        1. Insured must be informed of right to choose insurer
                                                          1. Insured attention should be drawn to provisions that limit liability of insure
                                                            1. Mus be in plain language, clear and comprehensible
                                                          2. Insurer can cancel/cool of within 30days of receiving policy summary, and no benefits paid
                                                            1. Insured who entered a contract as a result of direct marketing has a 5 business day cooling of period
                                                              1. Summary must be sent w.i 60days of conclusion
                                                              2. Terminated when
                                                                1. Expiry of agreed period of insurance
                                                                  1. Mutual Agreements
                                                                    1. Cancellation due to breach
                                                                      1. Prescription
                                                                        1. Supervening impossibility of perf. and waiver
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